Thursday, 26 April 2012



Perdana Menteri yang juga presiden UMNO mengingatkan pemimpin UMNO dan parti komponen BN supaya tidak merajuk dan bertindak mensabotaj parti jika tidak dipilih sebagai calon pada PRU 13 nanti. Sambil mengingatkan ahli parti bahawa kesetiaan kepada parti adalah sangat penting dalam menjamin kemenangan pada PRU 13, Najib juga berkata ada pemimpin yang berkecil hati, merajuk dan ada juga yang menutup bilik gerakan serta enggan bekerja dan berkempen, apabila mengetahui tidak dipilih sebagai calon.Malahan kata Najib ada yang bertindak protes dan meninggalkan parti untuk keluar negara. Datuk Seri Najib berkata demikian ketika berucap dalam lawatan singkatnya ke Pulau Pinang.

Walaupun pada awalnya pemimpin ini kata, supaya keputusan muktamad diberikan kepada pucuk pimpinan parti, namun bila keputusan dibuat dan tidak menyebelahi mereka, maka mereka akan bertindak mensabotaj parti katanya lagi.

Perbuatan mensabotaj parti ini bukan saja berlaku ketika PRU 2008 tetapi juga di jangka akan berlarutan pada PRU 13 ini berikutan beberapa perkembangan politik di beberapa bahagian yang bertindak tidak mencalonkan pemimpin tertentu.

Di Sabah bantahan pemimpin import dan pemimpin tertentu juga berlaku. Di Beaufort mislanya, UMNO Bahagian itu bertindak tidak mencalonkan ADUN KLIAS Datuk Azizah Mohd Dun.Manakala di Kimanis juga dikhabarkan Datuk Anifah Aman mendapat potes masyarakat setempat kerana faktor bukan orang tempatan di kawasan itu. Datuk LajimUkin yang sebelum ini juga di war-war akan meninggalkan UMNO kerana dikatakan tidak dicalonkan semula. Namun ia tidak menjadi kenyataan.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012



Politik di luar sekolah
KANGAR 25 April 2012: “Tak salah guru nak berpolitik, tetapi biar ia dilakukan di luar waktu sekolah,” kata Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran, Dr Mohd Puad Zarkashi mengulas dakwaan sesetengah pihak kononnya sebahagian besar guru menyokong pembangkang.
Beliau berkata, guru jangan terlalu asyik berpolitik sehingga anak didik di sekolah terabai dan menjadi mangsa taksub guru berkenaan.
Menurutnya, walaupun tiada halangan untuk mereka bergiat aktif dalam bidang berkenaan, ada beberapa garis panduan dan ketetapan perlu dipatuhi bukan saja sebagai pendidik, tetapi lebih besar sebagai penjawat awam.
“Kerajaan tidak menghalang, malah membenarkan mana-mana guru terutama yang berijazah bukan saja untuk bergiat aktif, tetapi turut dibolehkan memegang jawatan dalam politik.
“Namun, dua tanggungjawab terbabit tidak boleh dicampur aduk. Ini bermakna setiap urusan berkaitan politik perlu dipastikan tidak dibawa ke kawasan sekolah kerana khuatir ia menjejaskan keutamaan terhadap kualiti pendidikan,” katanya selepas ditemui sempena Konvensyen Pendidikan Kebangsaan Guru Besar Malaysia Ke-18 dan Persidangan Perwakilan Kakitangan Majlis Guru Besar Malaysia (GMGBM) ke-30, di sini, semalam.
Pada majlis konvensyen tahunan bertemakan ‘Guru Besar Inovatif’ itu, ia dihadiri 417 guru besar dan pengetua daripada seluruh negara. Hadir sama, Pengarah Pelajaran negeri, Dun Kasa.
Mohd Puad berkata, tiada sebab individu berkenaan perlu berpolitik di sekolah sehingga menyebabkan pelajar menjadi mangsa dan lebih penting, guru perlu faham dasar kerajaan terutama kedudukan mereka sebagai penjawat awam.
Katanya, beliau yakin guru hari ini matang dan diharap pembabitan guru berkenaan dalam politik tidak mewujudkan suasana perpecahan terutama di kalangan warga pendidik dan pelajar di sekolah.

PANAS!!!! PANAS!!!! PANAS!!!!!!


Hot money trail from Sabah to Swiss banks
The latest report in a Swiss weekly linking Musa Aman to the billions stashed away in bank vaults in Switzerland is fodder for gleeful supporters of Umno vice-president Shafie Apdal, who sees himself as the next Sabah chief minister.
KOTA KINABALU April 25, 2012: Fear and euphoria reign in Umno Sabah over renewed allegations of money-laundering by Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman. The trail is said to lead from the forests of Sabah to the bank vaults in Hong Kong and on to Switzerland.
Politicians on both sides of the political divide are either rubbing their hands in anticipation or getting ready to edge away from potential trouble that has been floating in the online media for years but has gained new life with further revelations by news portal Sarawak Report (SR).
While word has spread in the online media and blogs that the evidence appears to show something is stinking in the various cash transactions purportedly made by Musa through various proxies, few politicians on either side of the fence have come out to demand an investigation.
But it is also certain that those in various Sabah Umno and Barisan Nasional camps who want Musa to give way to their own favourite, are sharpening their knives in the off-chance that this new twist will dim Musa’s chance of being retained as chief minister by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.
A senior local Umno leader, who wished to remain anonymous, told FMT that those siding with Umno vice-president Shafie Apdal are quite happy with what is going on in the money-laundering saga.
“You know what I mean… the other day when a news report came out about Shafie’s alleged liaison with an actress, Musa’s boys were smiling. This is politics… it’s all about going up the ladder and pulling down the other,” he said.
His nonchalant remark hides the fact that the money-laundering case against Musa is far more serious. It also has a bearing on public perceptions of his capability to manage Sabah’s affairs, especially with the general election looming.
The detailed tell-tale marks – supported by bank slips, names on bank accounts and flow of money being “laundered” – tracked to several countries and continents are exposed by SR. And now with disclosures by a Swiss weekly, it will be difficult to hide the truth from the public, said political observers.
Surprised and shaken by the stack of details pouring out, Musa has insisted that he is not involved and it is all old innuendo dredged up by his enemies.
Swiss report links Musa
Well before this detailed exposé by London-based journalist Clare Rewcastle-Brown, Musa was widely reported to have said that he did not know Michael Chia, the man caught in Hong Kong with S$16 million cash four years ago.
In leaked investigation papers, however, Chia reportedly told the Hong Kong authorities that the money belong to Musa.
Last Sunday, a Switzerland national weekly, Sonntagszeitung, published an article on the on-going investigation on Musa, quoting spokespersons of the office of the Swiss attorney-general confirming for the first time that Switzerland has given legal assistance to Hong Kong in the money-laundering case against Musa and Swiss banking giant UBS.
In the article, Musa was mentioned as Sabah chief minister and also the older brother of Malaysia’s Foreign Minister Anifah. That’s already a black eye for Malaysia even before the whole truth is fully revealed.
In return, popular blogger London-based Raja Petra Kamarudin or RPK in his MalaysiaToday blog picked up the Swiss report and got it translated to English, making it one of his all time good hits for the day.
The Zurich-based weekly said spokespersons for the attorney-general office and the Swiss Federal Office of Justice also revealed that files on the case were transmitted to Hong Kong authorities on March 31 last year.
UBS headquarters in Zurich, however, refused to comment on the matter. UBS said that in all markets it was operating in, the bank complied with the regulatory and legal framework.
The Malaysian media reported last week that Musa was being investigated by Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) for having laundered over US$90 million of timber corruption money through UBS bank accounts in Hong Kong and Switzerland.
According to the reveal-all SR, Malaysian prosecutors refused to cooperate with Hong Kong in the matter because Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail, who is from Tawau, Sabah, is a relative and a close political ally of Musa.
It was alleged that in return for the kickbacks, Musa, who has overall say of the state’s timber resources as chief minister, granted concessions to log tropical hardwoods in forest reserves.
Logging concessions revealed
Ironically in February 2007, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei committed to protect the Borneo rainforest in the trilateral “Heart of Borneo” declaration.
Swiss writer, Guido Schaetti, in his article said that about the same time, politicians concluded yet other deals and one of them was Musa who allegedly distributed logging concessions to timber companies, allowing them to log even protected areas and received millions in bribes for it.
According to the article, the money then flew through several accounts of UBS in Hong Kong.
It was discovered that those involved operated a network of front companies and nominees, in order to cover the money trail, wrote Schaetti.
Local loggers paid the kickbacks through third party companies into the accounts of Musa’s proxies, allegedly local lawyer Richard Barnes and Chia.
From there, the money was distributed to financial vehicles in the Caribbean and again collected in Hong Kong. Finally, the money allegedly ended up on Musa’s account with UBS in Zurich.
The widely-read Swiss weekly further revealed that in May 2008, the investigators found US$29.6 million in a UBS-account in Hong Kong run by Barnes. In total, more than US$90 million were reported to have flown through the account.
Musa was thought to be the beneficiary. The kickback system was exposed four years ago when Chia was caught in Hong Kong with S$16 million cash. The Hong Kong prosecutors sent their report to Malaysia. That was the end of the line. Gani refused to investigate.
In the SR article, it was revealed that “big” money was also regularly banked into the accounts of Musa’s two sons in Australia.
On Asian websites, the facts can be read in all the details. On a UBS payment slip, which the Sonntagszeitung has seen, even the purpose of the payment is given: “Deposit for logging concession”.
Who’s money is it?
Lukas Straumann, director of the Bruno Manser Fund (BMF), meanwhile accused the bank of heavy breaches of its due diligence duties.
“The documents are proving that funds from the criminal logging of rainforests have been laundered by UBS employees for years. It is shocking that the bank claims not to have been in the know,” noted BMF.
The UBS takes no position on the case, because the identification of customer names would injure its famed banking secrecy. However since 9/11, it’s been much harder to hide “hot” money.
Musa has been fingered but has denied he is involved in any way. So whose money is it? From where did all those hundreds of millions dollars come from?
Surely state financial authorities and those in the state Cabinet are aware what’s going on in their backyard?
Even if they don’t, they are nevertheless collectively responsible and will be held accountable.
Luke Rintod


kekalutan skandal Shafie Apdal dengan artis Zahida Rafik telah membawa kepada pelbagai spekulasi dan penafian dari kedua-dua pihak. Zahida dalam laman twitternya menafikan hubungan intim berkenaan. Datuk Shafie Apdal pula dalam satu kenyataannya juga menafikan isu skandal tersebut serta bersedia untuk mengambil tindakan undang-undang ke atas mereka yang menyebarluaskan isu berkenaan. 

Bagi individu yang bertanggungjawab mmebongkar kes atau skandal ini iaitu MP Ampang Zuraida Kamaruddin pul bersedia untuk disaman berhubung kenyataannya yang mengaitkan seorang pelakon wanita(Zahida Rafik ) dengan menteri kabinet (Shafie Apdal )yang dibuat minggu lepas.
“Kita bersedia dengan segala tindakan yang akan diambil. Kalau dia nak saman maka kita bersedia,” kata Zuraida ketika dihubungi TVSelangor di sini hari ini.
Zuraida yang juga Ketua Wanita PKR berkata demikian bagi mengulas reaksi pelakon, Zahida Rafik, yang menafikan dakwaan yang beliau terlibat di dalam hubungan dengan Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar, Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal.
Zahida di dalam kenyataan yang dimuatnaik ke dalam laman web sosial twitter, menafikan dakwaan itu dan menyerahkannya kepada peguamnya untuk tindakan selanjutnya.
Menurut Zuraida, pendedahan perkara itu dibuat atas dasar ingin membantu pemandu peribadi Zahida yang dipercayai menjadi mangsa di dalam kes tersebut.
Katanya, pihaknya juga mahu menteri yang dikaitkan dengan kes itu untuk memberi penjelasan.
“Kita buat pendedahan ini atas dasar membantu pemandu pribadinya mendapat pembelaan sewajarnya. Ia adalah berdasarkan segala dokumen dan bukti yang dimilik.”
Zuraida berkata, beliau telah menjangka bahawa Zahida akan menafikan perkara itu.
Di dalam sidang media pada Apr 18 Zuraida mendedahkan satu laporan polis yang kononnya dibuat oleh bekas pemandu peribadi Zahida, Mohd Azuan Abdullah.
Di dalam laporan itu, Mohd Azuan mendakwa Zahida mengkhianatinya dengan membuat laporan palsu kononnya dia telah melarikan wang sejumlah RM200,000.
Mohd Azuan mendakwa Shafie telah mengarahnya supaya menjadi pemandu peribadi kepada Zahida dan menjadi perantara antara pelakon itu dan Shafie.
Beliau menyatakan telah berkhidmat selama tiga tahun dan meletak jawatan pada 29 Februari lalu kerana tidak tahan dengan tekanan tinggi akibat jawatan itu.
Zahida menafikan dakwaan Mohd Azuan apabila menulis di dalam laman Twitternya, pada 19 dan 20 April lalu.
Beliau menulis:
“Wow!!! Besnya if tis story is tru!! Kesian my x driver tu, sanggup buat cite palsu semata2 utk buat duit!! May allah bless him!
(Wow, besnya kalau cerita ini benar. Saya berasa kesian pada bekas pemandu saya itu kerana sanggup buat cerita palsu semata-mata untuk buat duit. Moga Allah Merahmatinya!)
Zahida berkata beliau tidak berdiam diri dan sudah melantik peguam untuk menyelesaikan isu ini.


Akhirnya Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah, Datuk Shafie Apdal menafikan sekeras-kerasnya berita yang mengaitkan beliau dengan artis seksi Zahida Rafik . Dalam satu kenyataan , Datuk Sahfie Apdal berkata bahawa ia adalah berunsur politik dan berniat jahat. Beliau juga bersedia mengambil tindakan mahkamah kepada mereka yang melontarkan fitnah berkenaan.

“Dengan ini, saya ingin menyatakan bahawa semua yang tertera di dalam laporan polis berkenaan adalah TIDAK BENAR sama sekali dan kenyataan-kenyataan iringan oleh individu yang menyebarluaskan salinan laporan polis berkenaan adalah BERNIAT JAHAT dan BERUNSUR POLITIK semata-mata. 
“Sehubungan dengan itu, saya bersedia mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap sesiapa saja yang terus-terusan memfitnah saya dan mengaitkan saya dengan perkara ini. 

KUALA LUMPUR – Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah, Datuk Seri Shafie Afdal menafikan sekeras-kerasnya dakwaan bekas pemandu, Noor Azman Azemi, yang mengaitkan beliau dengan pembayaran wang dalam jumlah yang besar kepada seorang artis wanita, Zahida Rafik.
Menurut kenyataan bertulis yang kami terima sebentar tadi, Shafie menjelaskan bahawa segala yang tertulis di dalam laporan polis yang dibuat oleh Noor Azman adalah tidak benar sama sekali. 
Beliau yang juga Naib Presiden UMNO turut menyifatkan tindakan segelintir pihak yang menyebarkan laporan polis tersebut sebagai berniat jahat yang bermotifkan kepentingan politik pihak tertentu.
Shafie turut menegaskan bahawa beliau tidak akan teragak-agak untuk mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap mana-mana pihak yang berterusan memfitnah dan mengaitkan namanya dengan isu tersebut.
Zahida sebelum ini membuat laporan polis terhadap Noor Azman yang dikatakan telah melarikan sejumlah RM200,000 wang syarikatnya setelah meminta pemandunya itu memasukkan wang tersebut di dalam akaun syarikat perniagaan milik keluarganya.
Noor Azman yang “hilang” sebelum ini muncul dengan membuat laporan polis mendakwa bahawa seorang menteri kabinet menyerahkan wang sejumlah RM1.5 juta kepada seorang artis wanita yang dipercayai bekas majikannya, Zahida.
Spekulasi itu terus meruncing apabila beberapa pemimpin parti politik pembangkang membuat sidang akhbar menyebarkan dakwaan tersebut dengan mengaitkan nama Shafie sebagai menteri terbabit yang memberikan wang beberapa kali kepada Zahida dalam jumlah yang besar.
Berikut adalah kenyataan penuh Shafie yang diterima hari ini;
“Saya mengikuti dengan rapat beberapa laporan di dalam media dan blog-blog tempatan yang telah mengaitkan nama saya dengan satu laporan polis oleh seorang yang bernama Noor Azman bin Azemi (No. K/P: 740214146237) No report AMPANG/007017/12 yang bertarikh 13 Mac 2012 yang mendakwa bekerja sebagai pemandu di bawah saya, dan mengaitkan saya dengan pembayaran wang yang sebegitu banyak kepada seorang artis bernama Zahida Binti Mohamed Rafik,” katanya.
“Dengan ini, saya ingin menyatakan bahawa semua yang tertera di dalam laporan polis berkenaan adalah TIDAK BENAR sama sekali dan kenyataan-kenyataan iringan oleh individu yang menyebarluaskan salinan laporan polis berkenaan adalah BERNIAT JAHAT dan BERUNSUR POLITIK semata-mata. 
“Sehubungan dengan itu, saya bersedia mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap sesiapa saja yang terus-terusan memfitnah saya dan mengaitkan saya dengan perkara ini. 
Sekian, terima kasih. 
Dato’ Seri Mohd Shafie Afdal – Putrajaya, 23 April 2012.”


Pembongkaran RM 1.4 juta milik peribadi pelakon Zahida Rafik yang dikaitkan dengan Menteri Kemajuan Luar bandar dan Wilayah oleh pihak-pihak tertentu terutamanya Zuraida kamarudin MP Ampang, menimbulkan kegusaran di hati setiap rakyat di negara ini. Bagaimana boleh akaun peribadi dalam Bank yang diakui sulit boleh diketahui oleh orang lain. seolah-olah memberi makna, tidak ada perkataan SULIT dalam sistem perbankan di negara ini.Maklumat peribadi boleh diakses oleh sesiapa sahaja tanpa ada perlindungan.

Walaupun ada akta yang memperuntukkan supaya maklumat peribadi pengguna dirahsiakan dan dilindungi namun ia tidak mencukupi. Bukan sahaja maklumat perbankan boleh dicerobohi, malahan juga maklumat telekomunikasi juga boleh didapati sewenang-wenangnya. Tidak HAIRAN jika anda mennerima panggilan dari orang yang tidak dikenali tetapi mengetahui nama dan nombor telephone anda! Pelik tapi benar itulah yang berlaku di negara ini.

Sebab itulah tidak mengejutkan jika akaun milik  Zahida boleh diketahui. Tapi yang menghairankan ialah mengapa pihak Bank yang tidak disalahkan, sebaliknya Zuraida pula yang mahu disaman?

lihat kenyataan rasmi zahida mengenai perkara ini :

Assalamualaikum Warrahmatulallhi Wabarakatuh.
1. Pada Rabu 18hb April 2012, Ahli Parlimen Ampang, Zuraida Kamaruddin telah mendedahkan satu dakwaan bahawa seorang menteri telah memberi wang sebanyak RM 1.4 Juta kepada saya selama 4 bulan (Oktober, November, Disember dan Januari). Ia adalah susulan daripada kes pemandu peribadi saya yang melarikan wang saya sebanyak RM 200 Ribu.
2. Untuk pengetahuan umum, saya melakukan perniagaan penjualaan kereta import bersama abang ipar saya serta perniagaan arang batu di Kalimantan, Indonesia bersama abang angkat saya. Semua penyata akaun serta wang yang dimaksudkan oleh Ahli Parlimen Ampang adalah benar tetapi ia adalah hasil titik peluh saya sendiri dalam perniagaan yang diceburi dan ianya tiada kaitan dengan seorang MENTERI yang dikaitkan oleh YB. Zuraida Kamaruddin kepada umum.
3. Saya mempunyai pelbagai rangkaian perniagaan yang diceburi setelah tidak lagi aktif dalam bidang lakonan kerana bagi saya perniagaan sendiri lebih menguntungkan untuk hidup yang lebih sempurna. Ini adalah satu tanggapan yang serong terhadap saya dan keluarga kerana pertuduhan ini dapat menjejaskan karier perniagaan saya serta kehidupan seharian saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia.
4. Mengikut undang-undang Malaysia, akta BAFIA 1989, mana-mana individu, syarikat atau juga badan kerajaan mahupun bukan termasuklah institusi kewangan (bank), dilarang sama sekali untuk mendedahkan mana-mana akaun peribadi, syarikat atau mana-mana badan badan kerajaan mahupun bukan kerajaan kepada UMUM dan SEKIRANYA ini terjadi, maka si PELAKU boleh dikenakan tindakan mahkamah.
Mengikut akta tersebut juga, akaun kewangan seperti ini hanya boleh didedahkan dengan perintah HAKIM.
5. Maka dengan ini, saya mengambil keputusan untuk mendakwa Ahli Parlimen Ampang di mahkamah kerana mendedahkan akaun peribadi saya serta menfitnah saya berhubungan sulit dengan seorang MENTERI yang dikaitan bagi membersihkan nama baik saya serta keluarga saya.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Zahida Rafik
20hb April 2012.

Shafie Apdal Nafi Berikan RM1.5 Juta Kepada Zahida Rafik Dan Laporan Polis Hanya Satu Motif Politik

Ha. Tidak pasal pasal ahli politik muncul menjadi satu kisah menarik di laman hiburan gossip ini. Sekali sekala orang tua kata, tiada salahnya.
Ini merupakan kenyataan pertama daripada Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal berhubung dakwaan parti pembangkang yang berkata beliau membayar RM1.5 juta kepada Zahida Rafik.
Bayaran yang cukup lumayan itu bertukar tangan di’katakan kerana Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal mempunyai hubungan sulit dengan aktress popular itu — dan membayar sekurang kurangnya RM100,000 setiap kali bertemu.
Menteri ini turut menafikan dakwaan Noor Azman Azemi yang mendakwa beliau di’upah untuk menjadi pemandu peribadi Zahida Rafik dan mengawal pergerakan aktress tersebut sejak tahun 2009 melalui Twitter beliau.
Dalam kenyataan ringkas menerusi surat yang di’lampirkan melalui Twitter rasmi beliau, Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal turut menegaskan yang laporan yang di’sebarkan ini tidak lain berniat jahat & bermotifkan politik. 

Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal ulas pasal Kes Zahida Rafik..

Akhirnya orang yang dituduh dalam cerita skandal Zahida Rafik sudah mula bersuara.. masing2 sudah mengeluarkan kenyataan semoga kita dapat menerimanya... 
Selain itu Zahida Rafik juga telah mengulas mengenai tuduhan yang dilemparkan oleh pembantu peribadinya itu melalui twitter :-

Tuesday, 10 April 2012



K'jaan diminta laksana projek penanaman getah di Nabawan
8th December, 2010 KOTA KINABALU: Penduduk pedalaman khususnya Nabawan mahu kerajaan negeri melaksanakan projek penanaman getah secara besar- besaran di kawasan itu bagi membantu mengurangkan kadar kemis- kinan.
Wakil penduduk kampung yang juga Pegawai Bahagian Zon Pedalaman Atas (Keningau) Juruperunding Hal Ehwal Kepenggunaan Alam Sekitar dan Hak Asasi Manusia, Alexsius Mangka berkata, ini kerana Nabawan adalah antara kawasan yang mempunyai ramai penduduk tergolong dalam miskin tegar.
Beliau berkata, antara langkah terbaik untuk menangani masalah ini adalah dengan penanaman getah secara besar-besaran.
“Saya difahamkan, setakat ini Lembaga Industri Getah Sabah (LIGS) Nabawan sedang menunggu peruntukan untuk penanaman getah secara berkelompok di kawasan Nabawan,” katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika berkunjung ke pejabat New Sabah Times, di sini, kelmarin
Alexsius berkata, ramai penduduk kawasan itu berminat untuk menanam getah apatah lagi harga kepingan getah meningkat hampir RM7 ketika ini.
“Setakat ini seramai 30 pemohon (tidak termasuk pemohon individu) telah mengemukakan permohonan untuk penanaman getah secara berkelompok sejak empat tahun yang lalu tetapi belum lagi dapat dilaksanakan kerana tiada peruntukan,” katanya.
Sehubungan itu, Alexsius berharap projek penananam getah secara ber- kelompok dan secara individu di kawasan Nabawan dapat dilaksanakan melalui peruntukan kerajaan negeri dan persekutuan iaitu peruntukan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun), Parlimen dan pembangunan luar bandar.
“Kami amat mengharapkan agar kawasan Nabawan diberi pertimbangan sewajarnya tahun depan untuk penanaman getah secara berkelompok dan individu.
“Ini salah satu cara untuk membasmi kemiskinan luar bandar selain Program Penduduk Rakyat Termiskin (PPRT), tambahan pula kawasan Nabawan amat sesuai untuk penanaman getah,” katanya.
Sementara itu, berkenaan dengan bantuan bencana alam untuk para petani di kawasan Nabawan, Alexsius mendakwa para petani yang mengalami kerugian daripada bencana alam kemarau pada tahun lalu masih belum menerima bantuan daripada pihak Jabatan Pertanian.
Oleh itu beliau berharap, pihak berkenaan dapat mempercepatkan proses pemberian bantuan untuk para petani yang mengalami kerugian akibat kemarau.
Mengenai pemilihan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Keselamatan dan Kemajuan Kampung (JKKK) beliau turut berharap apabila tamat tempoh jawatan seseorang pengerusi JKKK, pemilihan itu akan diserahkan kepada rakyat di kawasan itu untuk pemilihan semula.
“Pelantikan dan pemilihan seseorang JKKK melalui suara rakyat di kawasan berkenaan adalah lebih baik daripada lantikan pihak tertentu,” katanya.



Sabah CM denies link to timber graft scandal
KUALA LUMPUR, April 12 — Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman today denied corruption allegations linking him to an RM400-million timber graft scandal as exposed recently by whistleblower site Sarawak Report.
In a short statement here, the Umno leader also denied any link with Sabah timber trader Michael Chia, who was arrested and charged with money laundering after attempting to smuggle SGD16 million (RM40 million) back to Malaysia in 2008. According to media reports, Chia had allegedly told the Hong Kong authorities that the money belonged to Musa.
"I deny all these allegations. I wish to put it on record once again that I have no business association whatsoever with an individual named Michael Chia," the usually media-shy Musa (picture) said in a statement today.
Musa instead accused Sarawak Report of defaming him, claiming the graft allegations were likely part of a conspiracy by his detractors who wanted to topple Barisan Nasional (BN) in the east Malaysian state.
"If is unfortunate that there are people out there who will keep using recycled allegations to get to the top when election is near.
"The people of Sabah can decide for themselves based on my track record. Not faceless and nameless people who use blogs to serve their political interest," he said.
But Musa added that he would offer full cooperation to the authorities if he was required to but stressed that in the meantime, his focus was on serving the state instead of "entertaining these frivolous allegations".
Sarawak Report had claimed last week to be in possession of documents showing Musa's and his brother's, Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman, link to a multimillion-ringgit timber graft scandal.
Earlier this week, PKR leaders moved to claim the same, saying that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had already recommended a court case against the duo but this was allegedly blocked by the Attorney-General's Chambers.
PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli and deputy secretary-general Darell Leiking also issued a one-week deadline on the BN government to order both Musa and Anifah to take temporary leave from their duties and a suspension on A-G Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, who has also been linked to numerous other scandals.
By Clara Chooi




Sabah’s Smoking Gun! Bank Statements Show That Musa Aman’s Sons Accessed Dirty Money – National Exclusive!
Posted Monday, April 9th, 2012
This post is also available in: Iban
Documents leaked from a Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) enquiry have provided devastating evidence of the Sabah Chief Minister, Musa Aman’s, personal involvement in a massive timber kickback scandal, which insiders say has been subject to a high level political cover-up.
Aman has always denied that he was linked to allegations surrounding the Sabah timber trader Michael Chia, who was arrested in Hong Kong and charged with money laundering, as he attempted to smuggle SG$16million in bank notes back to Malaysia in 2008.
However, Sarawak Report has now obtained access to secret documents from the investigations by Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and Malaysia’s MACC, which directly implicate the Chief Minister.
These include copies of bank statements, which record payments to Musa Aman’s own sons from suspect accounts linked to Chia’s business activities.
Chia was Musa Aman’s ‘adopted son’

Close relationship - Musa Aman (left) and his right hand man Michael Chia
Michael Chia, who referred to himself as Aman’s adopted son, played the role as facilitator for kickbacks to the Chief Minister, according to trade insiders.
They say that soon after Aman took office, Chia started approaching key timber industry players to make plain that major concessions would be available – but only if kickbacks were paid, through him as the connector to Musa Aman.
“Tampokong was instructed to follow Chia’s instructions”, say sources. Meaning that Yayasan Sabah’s Forest Manager, Mohd Daud Tampokong, had been instructed by the Chairman of the Board Trustees, Musa Aman, to do Chia’s bidding when it came to authorising logging licences.
Yayasan Sabah controls around a million hectares of remaining forest land, which it is suppose to protect and manage on behalf of the state and its people.  Unwisely, the country’s top politician is also the head of Yayasan’s Board of Trustees, giving the Chief Minister unlimited personal control over the country’s major natural resource.
Such a lack of check and balances is a recipe for corruption and our evidence shows that Aman took spectacular advantage.
Smoking gun bank accounts

Dandy - Chia loved the fast life. According to one friend "he would spend $2k on his underwear"!
At the time of his arrest in Hong Kong, clutching the bundle of Singapore bank notes worth SG$10,000 each, Chia was suspected of smuggling dirty money, with the intention of bringing it back to Sabah to finance election bribery by BN.
The money and related bank accounts were frozen in Hong Kong by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) for the maximum period of 3 years, while investigators sought to get vital cooperation from Malaysia’s Attorney General, Abdul Gani Patail, in order to be able to get the evidence they needed from the Malay authorities.
Simultaneously the MACC began their own investigation, seizing 9 lorry loads of material and documents from the premises of Michael Chia and his timber business associates, including timber magnates Andrew Lim and Admond Looh.
The investigators discovered that Chia had been running a number of related bank accounts through HSBC, Singapore and the Swiss Bank UBS, based in Hong Kong. We have copies of statements from these bank accounts showing that the sons of Musa Aman were taking money out of one of them on a regular basis, based on a standing instruction.
This account was set up as an Australian Dollar account in Singapore, apparently because the boys were then studying in Perth, Australia.  Money was also removed from the account by Imbarine Bujang, who was the man delegated by Musa Aman to take care of the boys’ needs while away at University in Perth.

How can Musa deny his link to Chia's activities when his own sons were taking money out of accounts that were being managed by Chia and his associates?
Mohammed Hayssam Musa and Hazem Mubarak Musa are both offspring of the Chief Minister.  Sarawak Report has numerous copies of statements from this bank account, showing that their expenses were being regularly paid from it during 2006 and 2007.
A payment was also made to the Australian property company, Riverstar Investment Pty Ltd, to cover the rental costs of the boys’ apartment in Perth.

Payment for the rental for Musa's sons in Australia also came out of the same account controlled by Chia
Statements in our possession from connected USD$ accounts with the same UBS Hong Kong bank (managed through the Singapore branch) show how money was transferred to cover the payments. Our evidence is that the money flowing into these accounts was directly linked to the granting of major timber licences by Yayasan Sabah.
Chia himself paid directly to Musa’s boys
Any attempt by the Chief Minister to distance himself and his family from the evidence that he has been receiving money through Michael Chia is made even less convincing by the fact that other bank statements, made available to the MACC enquiry, show that Chia himself had been covering these regular payments to the boys in the period before setting up the UBS account in 2006.
These payments were made through his personal HSBC account!

Money for the boys was going through Michael Chia's own bank account in 2005 - Why?
SG 85,000 payment to Mohammed Tampokong!
The leaked documents in our possession also show that Yayasan Sabah’s Forest Manager, Mohd Daud Tampokong (instructed to cooperate with Chia) also received an enormous payment from another related account run by Chia and his associates, this time from a company based in the British Virgin Islands, Zenique Investments Ltd.
We question on what grounds the salaried civil servant in charge of managing Sabah’s timber concessions could legitimately accept a SD85,000 payments from an offshore British Virgin Island account?

Explanation needed? Why did Sabah's Forest Manager receive a SG85,000 payment from a BVI account in November 2006?
This evidence strongly corroborates allegations that Michael Chia was receiving kickbacks from timber companies receiving concessions from Yayasan Sabah, which had been authorised by Mohd Daud Tampokong, and that Chia was then forwarding money from his web of bank accounts to Musa and to the Forest Manager.
Musa Aman has till now distanced himself from this kickback investigation, in which case he needs to come up with convincing explanations about these payments.
Cover up

Protecting his powerful family and political allies? Attorney General Abdul Gani Patail
So far, the Chief Minister has been protected from prosecution, according to our sources, by the deliberate obstruction of the official investigation by Malaysia’s top law enforcement authority, the Attorney General.
Abdul Gani Patail is a fellow Sabahan and has close family connections with the Aman family and he has blocked the pressing of all charges.
We have learnt that the Hong Kong Anti-Corruption Commission investigators initially approached the Malaysian authorities in 2008 with a request for assistance in pursuing their enquiries after Michael Chia’s arrest.
However, the Attorney General refused to sign the necessary mutual legal assistance documents to enable inter-country cooperation on the case. We understand that Gani even went to Hong Kong seeking to negotiate with his opposite number there to close the case.
After 3 years the Hong Kong authorities were forced by statutory limitations to unfreeze the Chia accounts and shelve the investigation owing to Malaysia’s refusal to cooperate.  The millions of dollars in these accounts were released towards the end of last year and it is believed a great deal of the money will be channelled into Sabah, in order to attempt to buy votes for UMNO/BN in the coming federal election.
MACC investigation was also blocked by Gani
A parallel MACC investigation, which unearthed huge amounts of information about Sabah timber kickbacks, has also been blocked.
The Malaysian investigators, who are understood to have been extremely thorough, took evidence from numerous business associates of Chia and timber traders, who admitted to paying kickbacks.  The MACC is believed to have recommended that no less than 40 charges be brought against Sabah’s Chief Minister and yet once again the Attorney General has refused to recommend a prosecution of the case.
“The report with all the evidence is still sitting on his desk”, one source has told us.
This situation supports the clear frustration expressed publicly just last week by the MACC Deputy Commissioner, Mohd Shukri Abdull, who admitted that the Attorney-General has refused to bring many “valid cases”, claiming lack of evidence.
Sarawak Report has now received much of that evidence and over the coming days we will be sharing it with the public and inviting people to make their own judgement on the case which Malaysia’s Attorney General is refusing to bring to court.




Aman-gate: ‘Charge in court, or we bring to public court’
PKR wants Foreign Minister Anifah Aman and his brother Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman to resign pending investigation into their alleged involvement in a scandal.
KUALA LUMPUR April 9, 2012: PKR today demanded that both Foreign Minister Anifah Aman and his brother Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman take leave from their respective posts pending further action on their alleged involvement in a tens of millions of ringgit worth of secret timber concessions and money laundering.
Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail should also be suspended from his duties for his reluctance to bring charges against the two despite a two-year-old Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) investigation which had recommended prosecution.
“We are giving Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and the government the opportunity, one week to be exact, to respond to this. Bring these people to court or we will bring this issue to the public courts, like how we did to the National Feedlot Corporation [NFC] scandal. In fact, this is bigger than NFC,” PKR strategic director Rafizi Ramli said at the Parliament lobby.
PKR deputy secretary-general Darell Leiking, who was with Rafizi, is also leading a special task force formed specifically to obtain information into this emerging scandal and he has since interviewed many witnesses.
“We can reveal documents to the media involving thousands of pages, including bank slips that show the various transfer of monies.”
“We are confident that the evidence that we have in our hands implicate the three public figures… this evidence will be revealed in stages until all those involved have been brought to book,” Leiking said.
Several days ago, leaked Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) documents revealed that Gani had allegedly shelved files on the investigation and refused to prosecute Anifah or Musa over allegations that the Sabah chief minister had corruptly issued timber licences to his brother worth tens of millions of ringgit.
Investigations were prompted after Musa’s “agent” Michael Chia was arrested in Hong Kong in 2008 and MACC investigations later unearthed details of the secret timber concessions within the family and Gani’s close ties to the Aman family.
Insufficient evidence
MACC investigations into the Chia case led to the revelations of tens of millions of ringgit worth of timber concessions which Musa had awarded his brother Anifah and nephew Hairul from the time he assumed power in 2003.
Gani himself is from Lahad Datu, one of many entry points for illegal immigrants in Sabah. Gani’s wife is connected to Musa’s close associate, Johan Abdul Samad who is also the deputy director of
Yayasan Sabah. Anifah’s wife is Samad’s sister. Musa himself is chairman of Yayasan Sabah, which holds monopoly over Sabah’s forest.
Chia was detained by the Hong Kong authorities at the Hong Kong International Airport for alleged money trafficking. He was caught trying to smuggle out of Hong Kong some S$16 million (RM40 million).
Apparently when he was caught, Chia told the Hong Kong authorities that the money was for Musa.
Revealing the depth of the “secret” deals, online news portal, Sarawak Report, posted that Gani had refused to allow charges to be brought against Musa and Najib was “scandalously turning a blind eye to the affair”.
“Gani had forced the MACC to shelve its entire investigation in Sabah,which was one of the largest and most extensive ever undertaken by that body and involved sums amounting to billions of ringgit, siphoned out of the state by corruption at the highest level.”
Last week, MACC deputy commissioner (operations) Mohd Shukri Abdull had complained that the Attorney-General’s Chambers had refused to bring many “valid cases” the commission had investigated to court due to “insufficient evidence”.
Teoh El Sen


‘Mafia’ trio Gani, Musa, Anifah cornered MACC files
Even as new revelations surface about MACC thwarting investigations in Sabah, infighting within Sabah Umno is threatening Najib's influence.
KUALA LUMPUR April 9, 2012: Sabah’s most influential men – Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail, Chief Minister Musa Aman and his brother Foreign Minister Anifah – allegedly blocked the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) investigations into tens of millions of ringgit worth of secret timber concessions and money laundering.
Leaked MACC documents revealed that Gani had allegedly shelved files on the investigation and refused to prosecute.
MACC’s investigation into Musa nominee Michael Chia’s arrest in Hong Kong in 2008 had allegedly thrown up details of the secret timber concessions within the family and Gani’s close ties to the Aman family.
Gani himself is from Lahad Datu, one of many entry points for illegal immigrants in Sabah. Gani’s wife is connected to Musa’s close associate, Johan Abdul Samad, who is also the deputy director of Yayasan Sabah.
Anifah’s wife is Johan’s sister. Musa himself is chairman of Yayasan Sabah, which holds monopoly over Sabah’s forest.
MACC investigations into the Chia case led to the revelations of tens of millions of ringgit worth of timber concessions which Musa had awarded his brother Anifah and nephew Hairul from the time he assumed power in 2003.
Chia was detained by the Hong Kong authorities at the Hong Kong International Airport for alleged money trafficking. He was caught trying to smuggle out of Hong Kong some S$16 million (RM40 million).
Apparently when he was caught, Chia told the Hong Kong authorities that the money was for Musa.
Gani’s “protective” instinct and the fact that Musa himself had a “close” relationship with former premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and his son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin has kept Musa above the law.
At the time of the incident, rumours were that Musa had promised Abdullah the money in time for the Permatang Pauh by-election which saw Anwar Ibrahim return as MP.
However, such comfort has long since vanished. Musa and Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak are not pals. The only link between them is Najib’s wife Rosmah Mansor, who is said to be “close” to the Aman family.
Najib losing control in Sabah
Najib, however, prefers to put his own man Shafie Apdal – Umno vice-president – at the top seat if he can squeeze Musa out and this is no longer a closed-door secret.
Infighting within Sabah Umno is now rumoured to be at a “dangerous” level that even Najib is said to be losing control.
According to Sabah blogger Selvarajah Somiah, the 2009 allegation listed out by PKR Youth in its report lodged with Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) “threatened not only Musa but Najib’s credibility as well”.
“The central core of the exposé is Musa’s corruption of the state and the many questionable business deals linked to his relatives and cronies.
“The infighting in Sabah Umno is now in the open and numerous factions within are plotting to overthrow him. It’s all to do with money, ” he said.
In its 2009 complaint to ICAC, opposition Youth chief Shamsul Akmar had revealed that four Musa nominees had been linked to “corrupt and shady practices” involving funds belonging to the Sabah state government and several government-linked companies including Innoprise Corporation Sdn Bhd, Rakyat Berjaya Sdn Bhd and the Yayasan Sabah group.
“The public funds were illegally obtained and were siphoned out from Malaysia. They were deposited into various accounts in Hong Kong at UBS AG, Bank of East Asia Ltd, HSBC, Credit Suisse and Citibank,” Shamsul had reportedly said.
Revealing the depth of the “secret” deals, online portal, Sarawak Report, posted that Gani had refused to allow charges to be brought against Musa and Najib was “scandalously turning a blind eye to the affair”.
“Gani had forced the MACC to shelve its entire investigation in Sabah, which was one of the largest and most extensive ever undertaken by that body and involved sums amounting to billions of ringgit, siphoned out of the state by corruption at the highest level,” said the portal.
Pushparani Thilaganathan

Aman brothers involved in Sabah timber graft?

Foreign Minister Anifah Aman has been a secret beneficiary of lucrative timber licences in Sabah thanks to his elder brother, Chief Minister Musa Aman, said Sarawak Report.

The whistleblower website said it has in its possession leaked Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) documents showing its investigators had concluded that the Sabah chief minister had corruptly issued timber licences to his brother worth tens of millions of ringgit.

According to Sarawak Report, the documents form part of a major investigation by the MACC into timber corruption after an agent and nominee for Musa Aman, Michael Chia, was caught attempting to smuggle RM16 million out of Hong Kong in 2008.

“However, the investigation has been blocked at the highest levels and its findings kept secret, until now.

“Our informants say that the brothers’ relative and fellow Sabahan, attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail, has refused to allow charges to be brought and PM Najib Razak has scandalously turned a blind eye to the affair.”

Sarawak Report claimed that Abdul Gani, who is closely connected to the Aman family, has refused to pursue the case.

“Indeed the attorney-general has forced the MACC to shelve its entire investigation in Sabah, which was one of the largest and most extensive ever undertaken by that body, and involved sums amounting to billions of ringgit siphoned out of the state by corruption at the highest level.”

Last week, MACC deputy commissioner (operations) Mohd Shukri Abdull lamented that Attorney-General's Chambers had refused to bring many “valid cases” the commission had investigated to court due to “insufficient evidence”.

Major conflict of interest

The website said with Abdul Gani’s close ties with the Musa family, the AG should have opted out of making a decision on the investigations.

“In such cases where there is a plain conflict of interest, the government’s top law officer has to be seen to be acting from a position of impartiality.”

The website detailed documents in their possession that named Anifah and a nephew, Hairul Aman as beneficiaries of two major timber concessions through two companies allegedly linked to them.

One, Aktif Syabas Sdn Bhd, had licence to harvest 4,336 hectares of timber in land belonging state-owned agency Yayasan Sabah, and purchase residual timber from another 3,000 hectares.

“The other deal, made with the company Para Era Sdn Bhd, is even more shocking. It allows the concessionaire to extract timber from 2,000 hectares of virgin forest at the Pinagah Forest Reserve (right),” it said.

Sarawak Report lamented that the forest reserve was “totally razed by 2007".

Recalling a “headline-grabbing case” in 2007 where MACC had detained 20 lorries and 5,000 logs worth millions allegedly harvested from virgin forests, the website noted that not a single arrest had precipitated.

“Tragically, our information is that the forest reserve was totally razed by 2007, despite the strictures about only felling trees over 60cm.

“This MACC information substantiates complaints from within the industry that Musa Aman has turned existing corruption in Sabah’s timber business into a full-scale rape of the remaining forests in the state.”

The Anifah connection

Sarawak Report added that it was noteworthy that both deals were awarded shortly after Musa became chief minister and chairperson of the board of trustees of Yayasan Sabah in 2003.

It said while Musa was not named directly in any of the companies’ public documents, the practice of employing nominees was a “standard” practice in Sabah.

“...insiders claim that the use of nominees is standard in the Sabah timber business and clearly the investigation by MACC officials led them to conclude, after months of investigation, that the foreign minister was the true concessionaire," it said.

It added that the leaked papers in their possession show that the MACC investigators "did believe there was such a corrupt link and that Aman was the beneficiary”.



Tidak timbul isu parti Semenanjung

KINABATANGAN April 9, 2012: Ahli Majlis Tertinggi Umno, Datuk Bung Moktar Radin menyifatkan kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan mengenai penambahan kerusi dewan undangan negeri dan parlimen yang akan diambil oleh parti Semenanjung adalah tidak wajar.
“Pengerusi Parti Star Sabah itu perlu memikirkan bahawa tidak wujud lagi parti dari Semenanjung kerana semua pemimpin terutamanya parti Umno adalah dipimpin sendiri oleh anak tempatan bukannya pemimpin dari Semenanjung,” katanya.
Beliau yang juga Timbalan Pengerusi Kelab Penyokong Kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BNBBC) menjelaskan kita di Sabah dalam kepimpinan Barisan Nasional (BN) dipimpin sendiri oleh anak-anak tempatan sama ada dalam barisan pemimpin peringkat negeri Sabah mahupun di bahagian-bahagian Umno di negeri ini.
“Tiap kali pilihan raya, semua kerusi yang dipertandingkan di negeri ini adalah dicalonkan dari anak tempatan itu sendiri bukannya dari pemimpin negeri-negeri lain,” katanya.
Bung Moktar juga menegaskan semua pemimpin Umno di Sabah anak tempatan dan banyak menyuarakan isu-isu kepada kerajaan BN untuk kepentingan rakyat di negeri ini.
“Telah banyak usaha anak-anak tempatan dalam kepimpinan kerajaan BN di Sabah menyediakan pelbagai kemudahan dan projek pembangunan yang lebih berkesan kepada rakyat Sabah,” katanya sambil menambah bahawa tidak timbul isu parti Semenanjung  kerana semua pemimpin di Sabah dari parti kerajaan adalah terdiri anak-anak Sabah.
Beliau berkata parti sahaja datang dari Semenanjung tetapi yang yang memimpin di Sabah terutamanya wakil-wakil rakyat BN adalah anak Sabah.
Sementara itu, Bung Moktar yang juga Ahli Parlimen Kinabatangan menyokong penambahan kerusi dewan undangan negeri dan parlimen di negeri ini dalam memastikan penyaluran peruntukan yang lebih berkesan di sesebuah kawasan.
“Kawasan dewan undangan negeri mahupun kawasan parlimen di negeri ini amat luas untuk seorang wakil rakyat memberi perkhidmatan,” katanya.
Beliau menjelaskan sekiranya kawasan dewan undangan dan parlimen ditambah sudah tentu perkhidmatan seorang wakil rakyat itu akan lebih mantap dan memberi kesan seimbang dalam menyediakan kemudahan untuk rakyat di kawasan itu.
Bung Moktar memberi contoh di mana parlimen yang diwakilnya hari ini mempunyai keluasan sama seperti negeri Pahang.
“Kita lihat sahaja negeri Pahang yang memiliki 14 kawasan parlimen dan 44 kawasan dewan undangan negeri sedangkan parlimen Kinabatangan hanya mempunyai seorang ahli parlimen dan dua orang ahli dewan undangan negeri,” katanya.



Anifah pleads ignorance of timber-graft allegation
April 9, 2012: Foreign Affairs Minister Anifah Aman has claimed that he has no knowledge of the allegation that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had found him to have corruptly received lucrative timber licences from his elder brother and Sabah chief minister, Musa Aman.
Instead, the Kimanis MP said those who have cooked up the allegation must be "desperate".
"I don't know anything about it. Why don't you ask the person who put it on?" he replied in a text-message when contacted today.
Asked if he has been questioned by the MACC, Anifah denied it again.
"I told you this is the first time I (am hearing) about it. Those concerned must be desperate to implicate me. I don't play this kind of politics and refuse to be drawn into one."
Last Thursday, whistleblower website Sarawak Report had claimed to have leaked MACC documents said to show that investigators had concluded that Musa had corruptly issued timber licences worth tens of millions of ringgit to his brother.
According to the website, the documents form part of a major investigation by the MACC into timber corruption after an agent and nominee for Musa, Michael Chia, had been caught attempting to smuggle RM16 million out of Hong Kong in 2008.
image Musa has denied any involvement with the case.
Sarawak Report also claimed that Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail, who is closely connected to the Aman family, has forced the MACC to shelve its entire investigation in Sabah.
Furnishing documents purportedly from MACC, the website named Anifah and a nephew, Hairul Aman, as beneficiaries of two major timber concessions through two companies allegedly linked to them.
The two companies are Aktif Syabas Sdn Bhd and Para Era Sdn Bhd.
Malaysiakini has contacted the MACC to verify the allegation but it had yet to respond at the time of writing.





Harris: Inappropriate for Anifah to call for a stop to registration
KOTA KINABALU March 27, 2012: Former chief minister Tan Sri Harris Mohd Salleh said it was inappropriate for Foreign Minister Datuk Anifah Aman to call for a stop to the on-going exercise to provide 40,000 delayed birth certificates and MyKad to children in Senallang, Semporna.
 “It is regretted that Datuk Anifah Aman, Malaysia’s Foreign Minister, saw it fit to make a statement saying that the exercise of late registration be stopped,” he said yesterday.
Harris said the decision to carry out late registration must have been made by the Cabinet and secondly, Anifah must respect the Minister of Home Affairs Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussien and State Minister Datuk Nasir Tun Sakaran.
He said surely both Hishammuddin and Nasir knew what they were doing.
image“Datuk Anifah should at the forthcoming (Federal) Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, March 28, ask the Cabinet to make decision to stop the exercise,” Harris said in a statement.
According to him, civil servants both from the federal and state governments, had been doing very well and in carrying out their duties they observed the laws and policies of the government of the day. “Therefore, calling to stop the mobile late registration exercise at Semporna is tantamount to saying civil servants cannot be trusted.
“This is unfair indeed. Politicians or leaders cannot interfere with the work of civil servants. Once a law or policy is adopted, civil servants will carry out accordingly,” Harris pointed out.
He recounted that some five or six years ago he was informed by the director of National Registration Department that the exercise of mobile late registration was going on very well.
At that time, over 50,000 people in Tenom, Keningau and Pensiangan districts had registered and obtained late registration of birth certificates to enable them to obtain Malaysian identity cards.
However, Harris regretted that there was poor response from the east coast, especially Semporna where there were thousand and thousands of boat people who did not come forward for registration.
Based on newpapers’ reports, the federal cabinet had already approved the issuance of permanent residence to Indonesian and Filipino children born in Sabah and also permanent residence to holders of IMM13.
“These decisions remain in force unless and until they are revoked by the federal cabinet,” he added. In this regard, Harris reckoned that it was high time that the government be consistent and adhere to the laws and policies made. He said it was noticed that over the last few months there were many demands from Sabah leaders on this and many of those statements made were not in accordance with facts, laws, policies or more importantly fair and just.
“This attitude and trend of leaders will increase tension, especially among the races more so between the state and federal governments,” said Harris, citing the issue of natives in the State.
He said the issue of natives is provided in the interpretation of native law made by the British but it is unsure whether the law had been withdrawn or not.
“A law is a law. However, in the case of the native land rights, it was more of a moral issue or more importantly the right of natives to own land.
“Leaders must remember that the land is the future economy of the natives of Sabah, there is nothing else for them.
“The natives in Sabah are being left further and further behind; therefore it is high time to solve the land issue for the natives once and for all,” said Harris.
Harris also called on the government to be consistent and strictly adhere to the laws and policies that have been made and enforced in the country.
He noted that there were many cases reported to the police or statements in the newspapers saying criminal wrongdoings by certain people, but no action had been taken under the law.
“This is specially for making further police report which later the government authorities say the report is not true.
“Unfortunately, there is prosecution for making a false report which is very offensive,” he lamented.

Selasa, Mac 27, 2012


Kurup, Sairin back Anifah's 'stop call'
image_thumbKeningau March 27, 2012: Federal Deputy Natural Resource and Environment Minister, Tan Sri Joseph Kurup threw his weight Monday behind Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman's call for the National Registration Department to halt immediately the late registration exercise of 40,000 people in Sabah.
He said the Government must conduct a thorough investigation before issuing birth certificates or identification documents to these people.
He said the sudden huge number of applications for Malaysian identification papers was simply worrying. "I suggest a special committee to investigate the matter so as to stop certain people from obtaining the birth certificate and MyKad," he said.
Assistant Minister of Rural Development, Datuk Sairin Karno, also chipped in saying that most of the people who applied for the late birth registration in Sabah were actually foreigners.
He also urged the Government to carry out an investigation and that if there were parties involved, to take fast action against them.
Meanwhile, Upko Deputy President Datuk Seri Wilfred Bumburing also expressed appreciation and full support to Anifah.
"I am personally receiving daily reports that the exercise to provide late birth certificates and MyKads are going on in major towns in the East Coast (of Sabah) and the number of such documents issued are reported to be in the region of 1,000 per week," he claimed.
He concurred with Anifah that there are children from the other communities such Kadazandusun-Murut who have been waiting long to get theirs.
He said the authorities should seriously look into the statement by the President of Semporna Bumiputera Bajau Bajau Association (Perbubas), Mansor Santiri that "it doesn't make sense that a Bumiputera in Semporna does not have any identification documents."
"As I have repeated many times and have clearly stated in my memorandum which I have submitted to the Home Ministry, this is indeed a very serious matter as it really concerns the sovereignty of our country and Sabah in particular.
"The Federal Government should now seriously announce the setting up of the RCI, if indeed it has been approved by the Federal Cabinet, and get the Vommission to work immediately in order to get back the confidence of the bona fide Malaysian citizens in Sabah," he said.
Bumburing, who is also Tuaran MP cum Tuaran BN Chairman, said Sabah leaders should rally behind Anifah to support him on this issues.
"The issues concerned are what majority of Malaysians in Sabah want settled positively once and for all."

Anifah Aman, Musa Aman, Bukit Aman…

Monday, May 12, 2008

TIBA-TIBA nama Datuk Anifah Aman, Ahli Parlimen Kimanis, Sabah dan bekas Timbalan Menteri Perusahaan Perladangan dan Komoditi menjadi sebutan di mana-mana. Isu yang menyebabkan dia popular seketika kerana berucap di Parlimen ketika sessi perbahasan Menjunjung Kasih kepada Yang DiPertuan Agung, dia menyentuh tentang 'rumah banglo dan rumah teres'.
Bukan sedikit yang terkejut, malahan ada yang tidak menduga sama sekali, Anifah boleh berkata sedemikian, "tidak ada salahnya jika ada ahli BN dari Sabah melompat kepada parti pembangkang jika mereka tidak mendapat tempat yang sepatutnya di dalam 'banglo' itu."
Isu 'banglo' ini timbul ekoran tafsiran kononnya Barisan Nasional (BN)yang sudah mentadbir negara sejak mencapai kemerdekaan dianggap sebagai rumah banglo kepada parti komponennya, tetapi sesudah beberapa lama masih ada penghuninya yang berasa seperti di anak tirikan kerana tidak mendapat tempat sewajarnya dalam 'banglo' itu.
Bagi orang yang faham, mereka akan meletakkan Anifah Aman ini sebagai 'angkuh dan sombong'. Bercakap sedemikian, mewakili BN, tanpa rasa hormat dan berterima kasih kepada BN dan kepimpinan, membuktikan'kesombongan'.
Sebenarnya, Anifah lebih beruntung jika dibandingkan dengan wakil-wakil rakyat BN khususnya dari Sabah yang lain. Sekurang-kurangnya dia merasakan juga kerusi Timbalan Menteri, untukdua penggal. Bukan kerana kelayakan dia duduk sebagai Timbalan Menteri, tetapi kerana Perdana Menteri mahukan dia duduk di situ.Apakah tidak ada wakil rakyat Sabah yang lain yang boleh menjadi Timbalan Menteri? Ramai sebenarnya.
Silaplah kalau kita dapat menjadi Timbalan Menteri, kita merasakan kita yang layak sedangkan yang lain-lain tidak!
Apakah Anifah begitu tamak , tidak cukup lagi apa yang dikautnya di Sabah dan mahu pula menjadi menteri penuh untuk dan tujuan menggayakan diri. Mujur Pak Lah tidak melantik beliau menjadi menteri penuh dan mungkin ini satu hikmah bila beliau tidak dilantik sebagai menteri penuh kerana niat dan nawaitu beliau bukanlah kerana mahu berbakti kepada rakyat tetapi beliau mempunyai niat tersendiri yang amat terserlah kini.
Banyak skandal yang telah didedahkan oleh sebuah laman web yang perlu diberi perhatian oleh BPR tentang kes-kes Musa Aman dan Anifah Aman di Sabah. Mereka seharusnya bersyukur kerana Pak Lah masih mengekal kan mereka dalam tampuk pimpinan di negeri Sabah. Ramai pemerhati politik yang menyatakan bahawa Anifah tidak bersyukur dengan kedudukan beliau yang dikekalkan dan memberi tempat sebagai timbalan menteri sedangkan hakikat sebenarnya dia tidak layak untuk menduduki kerusi timbalan menteri berkenaan.
1- Orang Sabah marah kat Keluarga Musa dan Anifah Aman ambik semua harta negeri sabah melalui Suria Capital, juga sudah mengambil banyak konsesi balak dan batu arang. Sampai sarang burung dalam gua diambil menjadi konsesi.
Ramai rakyat Sabah yang tahu bahawa keluarga Anifah Aman dapat buat kapal dan servis dan maintainance, dan melalui suria capital (state GLC Sabah) control Sabah Ports
Keluarga beliau juga hidup mewah di Australia dan mempunyai sebuah syarikat di Australia.
Sebagai wakil rakyat Kimanis, perjuangan Anifah, yang mungkin sudah kaya raya sekarang (saya percaya dia tidak susah) bukan soal kemudahan infrastuktur di Kimanis, bukan soal kemudahan belajar bagi anak-anakkampung di pendalaman tetapi perjuangannya sudah sampai kepada 'kedudukannya sendiri' selepas dua penggal menjadi Timbalan Menteri. Walaupun kemudiannya, Anifah ada mengatakan dia tidak ada niat melompat ke parti pembangkang walaupun secara terbuka mengakui kecilhati dengan kedudukan Sabah yang masih terpinggir daripada pembangunan.
Hari ini, ketika BN dilihat sedikit lemah ekoran keputusan PilihanRaya Umum ke 12 (PRU 12) yang memperlihatkan hilang majoriti 2/3,Anifah yang ketika BN menang besar berada di dalam kerajaan rupa-rupanya bersikap sama seperti seorang lagi bekas Timbalan Menteri dari Sabah, Datuk Railey Jeffery yang pernah dipetik sebagai berkata 'saya ingat saya jadi Menteri selepas dua penggal menjadi Timbalan Menteri'.
Sedangkan Pak Lah telah membelanjakan sebanyak 3 billion untuk pendididikan di Sabah
Mereka yang 'ingat' dan 'fikir' hanya diri mereka sahaja yang paling layak menduduki kerusi Menteri atau Timbalan Menteri, sebenarnya 'ada penyakit' dalam diri dan jiwa mereka. Mereka tidak pernah berfikir, ketika BN menang besar, ramai lagi Ahli-Ahli Parlimen yang meginginkan jawatan, tetapi Perdana Menterimemberi peluang kepada mereka. Terima kasih dan bersyukurlah denganapa yang mereka dapat dan jika dibandingkan dengan orang lain (maksud saya Ahli-Ahli Parlimen lain), mereka jauh lebih bertuah dan beruntung kerana Perdana Menteri memilih mereka.
Adakah kerana mereka hebat? Bukan. Ada orang lain yang lebih hebat.Adakah kerana mereka berkelulusan? Bukan. Ada orang lain juga berkelulusan. Adakah kerana mereka merasakan mereka lebih hebat dariorang lain? Jika inilah anggapan mereka, ternyata mereka silap.
Habis tu kenapa mereka 'bersikap angkuh dan sombong'? Bila tidak mendapat jawatan, terus membuat tafsiran kononnya mereka 'duduk ditepi tandas. Kata-kata ini, bagi orang Melayu, orang Umno dan orang BNsendiri, adalah suatu kata-kata yang cukup mengambarkan betapa sombong dan angkuhnya pemidato ini.
Mereka tidak pernah berterima kasih kepada kerajaan dan kepimpinan yang pernah meletakkan mereka di suatu tempat yang cukup hebat suatu ketika dahulu dan cukup ramai orang-orang Sabah yang diberikan jawatan-jawatan penting di Kuala Lumpur.
Tidak adakah pegawai tinggi Polis, Tentera, Kastam, Imigresen dan pegawai-pegawai lain dari Sabah di Kuala Lumpur?
Sedarkah Anifah, bahawa Sabah yang hanya mempunyai 25 kawasan Parlimen(25 Bahagian Umno), seorang Ketua Pergerakan Pemudanya (Datuk AbdulRahman Dahalan- Kota Belud) dilantik menjadi Penolong Setiausaha Pergerakan Pemuda Umno Malaysia?
Sedarkah Anifah, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein melantik bekasAhli Parlimen Libaran, Datuk Akbar Khan Abdul Rahman menjadiSetiausaha Politik? Tidak cukup dengan Datuk Maximus Ongkili, DatukMohd Shafie Afdal dan Tan Sri Benard Dompok sebagai Menteri?Cukup panjang senarai jika hendak dituliskan nama-nama tertentu yang berjawatan di Kuala Lumpur.
Kalau Sabah masih terpinggir, bukan kerana kepimpinan di Kuala Lumpur tidak memperdulikan rakyat di Sabah sebaliknya apa yang dibuat oleh Ketua Menteri Sabah, Menteri-Menteri dan Timbalan-Timbalan Menteridari Sabah?
Menteri Pelajaran mengumumkan Sabah mendapat RM3.43 bilion di bawahRancangan Malaysia ke Sembilan (RMK 9) bagi membangunkan pendidikan dinegeri itu. Ia mengatasi apa yang Pulau Pinang dan Johor dapat. Mustahil Anifah tidak tahu hal ini. Kalau dia tak tahu, apa yang boleh kita buat?
Suatu ketika dahulu, Johor yang cukup dicemburui sekarang, kerana terlalu ramai Ahli Parlimennya menjadi Menteri pernah hanya diwakilidua orang Menteri sahaja walaupun BN menang semua kerusi Parlimen. Ingat! Dalam tahun 1988, Datuk Mohamed Rahmat (Menteri Penerangan) dan Datuk Mustaffa Mohamad (Menteri Kebajikan Masyarakat) sahaja yang menjamah kerusi cabinet ketika itu.
Ada wakil rakyat Johor berucap di Parlimen, bercakap soal 'rumah banglodan rumah teres'? Anifah mungkin baru dalam 'budaya Umno'. Atau Anifahboleh dikatakan sebagai 'anti semenanjung' tetapi kalau Anifah tahu menghormati kepimpinan, bagaimana Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (Pak Lah) mempertahankan Ketua Menteri Sabah, yang juga adik beradik Anifah, mungkin Anifah sanggup 'mencium tangan Pak Lah' kerana Pak Lah mengutamakan kepentingan parti mengatasi yanglain-lain.
Sepatutnya, kalau Musa Aman tahu semua ini, bagaimana orang-orang Sabah sentiasa berada di Kuala Lumpur, berkempen memburuk-burukkan dia, Musa pun tentunya mencium tangan Pak Lah kerana Pak Lah adalah Perdana Menteri yang tidak mudah digula-gulakan dengan pelbagaituduhan dan tohmahan.
Sedikit waktu dahulu, heboh orang mengatakan ada satu kumpulan dari Sabah datang ke Kuala Lumpur, berusaha melobi pihak-pihak tertentu disini untuk menubuhkan semula USNO. Kata mereka, Umno di Sabah hanyadikuasai 'ALC'. ALC yang mereka maksudkan ialah 'Aman Link Company' –iaitu hanya keluarga Anifah dan Musa Aman sahaja yang mengaut peluang-peluang perniagaan dan kayu balak di Sabah.
Ini bukan cerita rekaan sebaliknya ramai orang Sabah tahu. Malahan, ramai bekas-bekas Menteri Sabah dan bekas-bekas Ketua Bahagian (Umnodan USNO) mengetahui cerita ini.
Janganlah kerana tidak dilantik menjadi Menteri, setelah dua penggal menjadi Timbalan Menteri, Anifah merasakan dia 'hanya duduk di tepitandas dalam sebuah rumah banglo'. Jangan ada perasaan itu keranamasih ramai lagi orang Umno yang hanya duduk di kaki lima banglo, luar pagar banglo dan jarang-jarang dapat masuk ke rumah banglo, walaupun mereka adalah pejuang Umno tulin, sejak sekian lama.
Umno telah memainkan peranan besar menyelamatkan Melayu dan Bumiputeradi Sabah dari tekanan dan ancaman. Jangan buat-buat lupa cerita'bawang' dan gereja yang hampir-hampir menjadi isu perkauman yangbesar suatu ketika duhulu. Masa itu, Anifah dan Musa mungkin masih di Universiti dan kita seharusnya tahu sejarah untuk menuju ke hadapan. Anifah Aman dan Musa Aman adalah dua orang adik beradik yang cukup bertuah. Ketika kita menuding jari menyalahkan orang lain, sebenarnya kita yang selalu menghisap 'cigar' sudah lupa rumput di bumi ketika merenung bintang di langit. Kita lupa budi orang kepada kita. Kita lupa jasa Umno kepada kita. Kita lupa jasa BN kepada negeri Sabah.
Bila kita tengok 'pokok sudah condong' kita sama-sama mahu menumbangkannya. Apakah kita yakin kita hebat? Atau Anifah Aman dan Musa Aman – walaupun kini sudah cukup kaya raya, bertanyalah ke BukitAman… sejarah hitam Sabah ketika USNO dan Berjaya runtuh dahulu. Mudah-mudahan di Bukit Aman, Anifah Aman dan Musa Aman akan bertemu dengan 'keAmanan' yang mereka cari-cari.
Di Bukit Aman, lebih banyak menyimpan rekod-rekod dan catatan sejarah hitam Sabah dari 'rumah banglo' yang sudah mula hendak ditinggalkan.



Rafizi to report Najib to MACC despite threat from PMO and Shahrizat’s ‘quit’ decision

March 12, 2012

As pledged, PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli will lodge a report against Prime Minister Najib Razak with the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission for allegedly abusing his power and billing the cost of his daughter’s engagement party to taxpayers.
“PKR leaders together with Jingga13 (a reform NGO) will make a report at 2pm today at the MACC, Shah Alam branch,” Rafizi said in brief note.
On Friday, Rafizi dropped the bombshell that Najib had passed on a RM410,000 invoice from the Shangrila Hotel to the Prime Minister’s Office to pay. The dinner was attended by nearly 1,000 people and expensive dishes like Wagyu beef was served. Najib was immediately castigated for being ‘cheap’ in fobbing off the expense to the ordinary folk.
Not surprisingly, Najib’s office in an unusually quick response denied the accusations in a 2-paragraph statement that clearly targeted Rafizi, accusing him of wanting to defame ad smear the PM and demanding an apology.
However, Rafizi countered the PMO denial with a fresh statement of his own, setting 8 questions for Najib to clear his name and earn the apology. So far, there has been zero response from the PMO.
“PMO’s demand for my instant apology is premature at this junction as the two paragraphs statement consists of only mere denials, without any hard evidence or facts that can support the denial. Nor did the PMO dispute the veracity of the Banquet Event Order document produced against the Prime Minister,” said Rafizi.
Deflecting attention from himself
Rafizi has been at the centre of a barrage of corruption allegations revealed against Umno minsiter Shahrizat Jalil and her family over the NFC cattle breeding project. His latest expose’ against Najib – although it involved a dinner party held in Putrajaya – is believed to have triggered Shahrizat’s resignation as it brought to the fore Najib’s Kazakhstan connections.
Najib’s daughter had married a nephew of a powerful Kazakh leader, and even during the Kazakh-leg of their engagement in June last year, Najib and wife Rosmah Mansor had come under fire for taking scores of personal guests to the celebrations there under the cover of ‘official entourage’ on an official visit timed to coincide with their personal event. The Foreign Ministry later revealed the trip had cost Malaysian taxpayers RM1.1 million in traveling expense.
As such, the latest RM410,000 bill created a firestorm, especially since it came hot on the heels of a news report that Shahrizat’s family was also being probed by the police over the purchase of a RM1.7 million luxury apartment in southern Kazakh city of Almaty. Najib had sanctioned a memorandum of understanding between the NFC and a Kazakh party even though the NFC is not allowed to invest overseas.
To deflect attention from himself, Najib is believed to have finally called on Shahrizat to tender her resignation, which she did and is due to become effective on April 8. Over the past months, despite a slew of calls from Cabinet colleagues, BN leaders, Umno stalwarts and the public, Najib had refrained from calling on her to step down.
Shahrizat’s husband and children were accused of corruptly using a RM250 million government soft loan granted to the National Feedlot Centre cattle breeding project to gain bank loans for themselves and to purchase super-luxury condos in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and it now appears – Kazakhstan. The NFC project was awarded to Shahrizat’s husband and children to manage in 2006.
Zero response from the PMO to Rafizi’s 8-point challenge
Meanwhile, the PMO has still not replied to Rafizi’s 8-step poser. The questions Rafizi threw at Najib were:
First, he has to confirm (or deny) that the engagement party did cost as much as specified in the BEO document produced against him;
Second, he has to confirm (or deny) the veracity and authenticity of the Banquet Event Order (BEO) produced against him that clearly specifies the PMO as the party footing the bill;
Third, he has to instruct the PMO to produce the original copy of the Purchase Order sent to Shangrila Hotel to ascertain which party was originally responsible for making the order,
Fourth, he has to instruct the PMO to produce the original snapshot of the accounting transaction from the Government of Malaysia’s (GOM’s) accounting system which recorded the Purchase Order, to ascertain whether the order (allegedly raised by the PMO) was ever recorded in the accounting system,
Fifth, he has to instruct the PMO to produce the original copy of the invoice sent by Shangrila Hotel in relation to the event as it can be used to determine whether the whole expenses were charged personally to the Prime Minister as he claims,
Sixth, he has to instruct the PMO to produce the original snapshot of the accounting transaction from the Government of Malaysia’s (GOM’s) accounting system which recorded the invoice sent by Shangrila Hotel, to ascertain whether the liability to pay the invoice was ever recorded in the accounting system,
Seventh, he has to instruct the PMO to produce the original payment voucher made to Shangrila Hotel to ascertain the party which first settled the bill; and
Eight, he has to produce proof of payments in the form of a copy of his personal cheque used to pay, or his bank statements or any third party records of his financial transactions that can substantiate his claim that he did pay for the bill.
“I urge PM Najib Razak to answer the following questions backed up by hard evidence in the form official documents to prove that the public did not foot the bill for his daughter’s engagement party,” said Rafizi.




Ketua Menteri Sabah Musa Aman Dan Adiknya Anifah Aman, Menteri Luar, Mengenai Skandal Balak RM400 Juta ?

Posted by IdaMan on 4/09/2012 06:12:00 AM

TERKINI!!Pemimpin-pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat telah memberi Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak selama 7 hari untuk mengambil tindakan terhadap Ketua Menteri Sabah Musa Aman dan adiknya Anifah Aman, Menteri Luar, mengenai skandal balak RM400 juta.
"Kita mahu Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib mengarahkan Anifah dan Musa mengambil cuti daripada menjalankan tugas rasmi mereka, dan bertanggungjawab kepada dakwaan itu," pengarah strategi PKR Rafizi Ramli memberitahu pada sidang akhbar di lobi Parlimen pada hari Isnin.Pendedahan Sarawak Report Yang TerdahuluMenteri Luar Datuk Seri Anifah Aman didakwa diberikan lesen pembalakan lumayan secara rahsia di negeri itu, lapor Sarawak Report.
Sarawak Report mendakwa memiliki dokumen SPRM yang hasil siasatannya memutuskan bahawa Ketua Menteri Sabah Datuk Seri Musa Aman secara salah mengeluarkan lesen bernilai puluhan juta ringgit kepada adiknya itu.Menurut laporan itu lagi, dokumen tersebut adalah sebahagian daripada siasatan terhadap penyelewengan balak selepas kroni bagi Musa Aman, Michael Chia, telah ditahan kerana cuba menyeludup keluar SGD16 juta (RM35 juta) dari Hong Kong pada 2008.
Kandungan siasatanDua konsesi utama yang dibeli oleh Yayasan Sabah bagi kayu balak ditebang dan Penerima tawaran adalah Anifar Aman dan Hairul Aman, anak saudara Pengurus Hutan Yayasan Sabah, Mohd Daud Tampokong.Aspek-aspek yang lain, yang lebih mengejutkan adalah, ia membolehkan pemegang konsesi mengeluarkan balak sebanyak 2,000 hektar dari hutan dara di Hutan Simpan Pinagah:Kedua-dua lesen telah diberikan sejurus selepas Musa Aman menjadi Ketua Menteri dan Pengerusi Lembaga Pemegang Amanah Yayasan Sabah pada tahun 2003.
Gani Patail Juga Terlibat?Peguam Negara Abdul Gani Patail, yang berasal dari Lahad Datu, telah menghalang siasatan SPRM.Beliau yang berkait rapat dengan keluarga Aman, telah enggan untuk meneruskan kes itu.
Rakyat bimbang bahawa keengganan Gani untuk membenarkan siasatan rasuah peringkat tinggi, telah membenarkan ahli-ahli politik BN lain untuk terus menyedut kekayaan negara dan tidak terganggu.
Jenayah Elak Cukai Berpuluh JutaPakar-pakar berkata bahawa hutan dara menyediakan 100 meter padu kayu setiap hektar. 
Pemegang Lesen sepatutnya membayar Yayasan Sabah RM55 dan Jabatan Perhutanan RM95 setiap meter padu dibalak, yang berjumlah RM150 dalam bentuk cukai.
Walau bagaimanapun, semua hasil sangat sedikit diisytiharkan, tanpa membayar cukai yang berjumlah sekitar RM30 juta.Jalan Pulang
Oleh: Zar Ali II

Your Ref: Please Advise
Our Ref: SNN/DSAI/Anifah/09
Date: 18th May 2009
By Fax 03-8889 1717
03-8889 2816
Menteri Luar Negeri,                                     Certificate of Posting
Kementerian Luar Negeri,
Aras 3, Wisma Putra, No. 1, Jalan Wisma Putra,
Presint 2,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
Re:      Libellous Statement
We act for Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim who is the Former Deputy Prime Minister and is presently the Leader of the Opposition in the Malaysian Parliament.
We are instructed that on or about 16th May 2009, you uttered and or made a statement at the State Department in Washington during a joint press conference with US secretary of State Mrs. Clinton, that was published and/or caused to be published by Associated Press and was consequently carried by The Star Newspaper (and several local print and electronic media), which was captioned as “Anwar offered me the DPM’s post, says Anifah” which is reproduced in full and verbatim hereinbelow:
“Anwar offered me the DPM’s post, says Anifah
Washington: Foreign Minister Datuk Anifah Aman has revealed that Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had offered him the post of Deputy Prime Minister as bait to switch sides after the general election last year.
“Just for the information of the audience here, Anwar said he would form a government on Sept 16 but he has changed the dates many times. And he was trying to entice Members of Parliament.
“I was personally offered a very lucrative position, like a deputy prime ministership.  These facts are not known to the world at large,” he said during a joint press conference with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, which was packed with American and foreign journalists.
“And he has started trying to buy other legislative members. I think he has not accepted the result of the last elections.
“We (Barisan Nasional) have lost five states and we willingly accept the people’s verdict.”
A Reuters journalist had earlier asked Clinton whether she raised the Anwar issue at her meeting with Anifah as the State Department’s annual human rights report had mentioned that charges against Anwar were politically motivated.
Clinton replied that she had raised the rule of law issues and larger questions concerning institutional reforms that Malaysia had been pursuing.
Anifah, who was clam throughout, said he had faith in Malaysia’s judicial system, citing the case of Perak where the High Court had reinstated Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin as Perak Menteri Besar although it was a ruling made against the Federal Government.
Anifah said Anwar was tarnishing the image of Malaysia.
“It is our wish and hope that he will respect the democratic system in Malaysia.”
Anifah told another journalist that Malaysia would use the “good office” of the Asean secretariat to find a solution to the case involving Myanmar’s pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi who faces new charges less than two weeks before her house arrest was due to end after an American man swam across a lake and entered her home.
On improving US relations with Islamic countries, Clinton said that United States would seek out partners like Malaysia and the Organisation of the Islamic Conference for guidance.” (hereinafter called “the Impugned Article”).
Inter alia, the Impugned Article contained the following defamatory words uttered and or quoted by you about our client:
i. “Foreign Minister Datuk Anifah Aman has revealed that Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had offered him the post of Deputy Prime Minister as bait to switch sides after the general election last year.”
ii. “Just for the information of the audience here, Anwar said he would form a government on Sept 16 but he has changed the dates many times. And he was trying to entice Members of Parliament.”
iii. “I was personally offered a very lucrative position, like a deputy prime ministership.  These facts are not known to the world at large,” he said during a joint press conference with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, which was packed with American and foreign journalists.”
iv. “And he has started trying to buy other legislative members. I think he has not accepted the result of the last elections.”
v. “Anifah said Anwar was tarnishing the image of Malaysia.” (collectively hereinafter called “the Impugned Words”)
The Impugned Article and the Impugned Words were and are defamatory and or libellous of our Client and in their natural and ordinary meaning and or by implication mean, meant and were understood to, inter alia, mean that:
i) our Client is a dishonest person both in his private and official capacity;
ii) our Client is a liar;
iii) our Client is an untrustworthy person as well as an unfit politician;
iv) our Client is unfit to hold public office;
v) our Client is unprincipled and corrupt;
vi) our Client has committed a criminal offence punishable with imprisonment;
vii) our Client is unethical; and
viii)our Client wantonly abuses his position in public and private office.
By innuendo, the Impugned Article and the Impugned Words were and are defamatory and or libellous of our Client and were meant and were understood to, inter alia, mean that:
i) our Client is a dishonest person both in his private and official capacity;
ii) our Client is a liar;
iii) our Client is an untrustworthy person as well as an unfit politician;
iv) our Client is unfit to hold public office;
v) our Client is unprincipled and corrupt;
vi) our Client has committed a criminal offence punishable with imprisonment
vii) our Client is unethical; and
viii) our Client wantonly abuses his position in public and private office.
Inter alia, our client contends the following in that, the Impugned Article and the Impugned Words published by you in respect of our client:-
a) are bereft of any truth, vexatious, specious, fallacious and wholly uncalled for;
b) are and were grossly negligent, reckless, irresponsible, deliberate, malicious and aimed to lower our client’s esteem in the eyes of the public, both locally and internationally, and expose our client to public hatred, scorn, odium, opprobrium, contempt and ridicule;
c) are wholly untrue, motivated by malice, mala fides, distortion of facts suggesting moral and legal impropriety on the part of our client and are principally done in your pursuit of seeking cheap publicity /sensationalism for political and other purposes; and
d) are pre-mediated and calculated to tarnish, malign, defame and seriously injure the good name and character of our client.
We are further instructed that you have republished or caused it to be republished the abovementioned Impugned Article and Impugned Words and the libellous comments.
The Impugned Words uttered and published by you in respect of our client and the comments against our client by you, amounts to a very serious libel on our client and have caused our client considerable distress and embarrassment. These Impugned Words published by you in respect of our client and comments made against our client are false, malicious and your attack on our client is wholly unjustified.
We are therefore instructed to demand from you, which we hereby do:
1) An immediate and unequivocal public retraction of the Impugned Article and the Impugned Words and the removal and retraction of all the offending and defamatory comments, forthwith;
2) An apology in the terms to be approved by us as solicitors to be published in newspapers of our client’s choice.
3) An undertaking by you not to repeat the above allegations and comments such as the Impugned Words or the likes of the same.
Our client has also instructed us to demand damages of RM100 million from you for the injury caused to our client’s reputation.
Our client has also requested us to demand payment of all legal costs that has been incurred with regard to this matter.
This letter is written in accordance with the pre-action protocol prior to the institution of a libel action. We look forward to hearing from you without delay. If we do not receive a satisfactory reply within seven (7) days of the receipt of this letter, our instructions are to institute legal proceedings against you. In the meantime, our client reserves all our client’s rights in this matter.
Please acknowledge receipt accordingly.
Thank you.

Yours faithfully,