menteri pusat,
Anifah pleads ignorance of timber-graft allegation

April 9, 2012: Foreign Affairs Minister Anifah Aman has claimed that he has no knowledge of the allegation that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had found him to have corruptly received lucrative timber licences from his elder brother and Sabah chief minister, Musa Aman.
Instead, the Kimanis MP said those who have cooked up the allegation must be "desperate".
"I don't know anything about it. Why don't you ask the person who put it on?" he replied in a text-message when contacted today.
Asked if he has been questioned by the MACC, Anifah denied it again.
"I told you this is the first time I (am hearing) about it. Those concerned must be desperate to implicate me. I don't play this kind of politics and refuse to be drawn into one."
Last Thursday, whistleblower website Sarawak Report had claimed to have leaked MACC documents said to show that investigators had concluded that Musa had corruptly issued timber licences worth tens of millions of ringgit to his brother.
According to the website, the documents form part of a major investigation by the MACC into timber corruption after an agent and nominee for Musa, Michael Chia, had been caught attempting to smuggle RM16 million out of Hong Kong in 2008.
Musa has denied any involvement with the case.
Sarawak Report also claimed that Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail, who is closely connected to the Aman family, has forced the MACC to shelve its entire investigation in Sabah.
Furnishing documents purportedly from MACC, the website named Anifah and a nephew, Hairul Aman, as beneficiaries of two major timber concessions through two companies allegedly linked to them.
The two companies are Aktif Syabas Sdn Bhd and Para Era Sdn Bhd.
Malaysiakini has contacted the MACC to verify the allegation but it had yet to respond at the time of writing.
April 9, 2012: Foreign Affairs Minister Anifah Aman has claimed that he has no knowledge of the allegation that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had found him to have corruptly received lucrative timber licences from his elder brother and Sabah chief minister, Musa Aman.
Instead, the Kimanis MP said those who have cooked up the allegation must be "desperate".
"I don't know anything about it. Why don't you ask the person who put it on?" he replied in a text-message when contacted today.
Asked if he has been questioned by the MACC, Anifah denied it again.
"I told you this is the first time I (am hearing) about it. Those concerned must be desperate to implicate me. I don't play this kind of politics and refuse to be drawn into one."
Last Thursday, whistleblower website Sarawak Report had claimed to have leaked MACC documents said to show that investigators had concluded that Musa had corruptly issued timber licences worth tens of millions of ringgit to his brother.
According to the website, the documents form part of a major investigation by the MACC into timber corruption after an agent and nominee for Musa, Michael Chia, had been caught attempting to smuggle RM16 million out of Hong Kong in 2008.
Sarawak Report also claimed that Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail, who is closely connected to the Aman family, has forced the MACC to shelve its entire investigation in Sabah.
Furnishing documents purportedly from MACC, the website named Anifah and a nephew, Hairul Aman, as beneficiaries of two major timber concessions through two companies allegedly linked to them.
The two companies are Aktif Syabas Sdn Bhd and Para Era Sdn Bhd.
Malaysiakini has contacted the MACC to verify the allegation but it had yet to respond at the time of writing.
“It is regretted that Datuk Anifah Aman, Malaysia’s Foreign Minister, saw it fit to make a statement saying that the exercise of late registration be stopped,” he said yesterday.
Harris said the decision to carry out late registration must have been made by the Cabinet and secondly, Anifah must respect the Minister of Home Affairs Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussien and State Minister Datuk Nasir Tun Sakaran.
He said surely both Hishammuddin and Nasir knew what they were doing.
According to him, civil servants both from the federal and state governments, had been doing very well and in carrying out their duties they observed the laws and policies of the government of the day. “Therefore, calling to stop the mobile late registration exercise at Semporna is tantamount to saying civil servants cannot be trusted.
“This is unfair indeed. Politicians or leaders cannot interfere with the work of civil servants. Once a law or policy is adopted, civil servants will carry out accordingly,” Harris pointed out.
He recounted that some five or six years ago he was informed by the director of National Registration Department that the exercise of mobile late registration was going on very well.
At that time, over 50,000 people in Tenom, Keningau and Pensiangan districts had registered and obtained late registration of birth certificates to enable them to obtain Malaysian identity cards.
However, Harris regretted that there was poor response from the east coast, especially Semporna where there were thousand and thousands of boat people who did not come forward for registration.
Based on newpapers’ reports, the federal cabinet had already approved the issuance of permanent residence to Indonesian and Filipino children born in Sabah and also permanent residence to holders of IMM13.
“These decisions remain in force unless and until they are revoked by the federal cabinet,” he added. In this regard, Harris reckoned that it was high time that the government be consistent and adhere to the laws and policies made. He said it was noticed that over the last few months there were many demands from Sabah leaders on this and many of those statements made were not in accordance with facts, laws, policies or more importantly fair and just.
“This attitude and trend of leaders will increase tension, especially among the races more so between the state and federal governments,” said Harris, citing the issue of natives in the State.
He said the issue of natives is provided in the interpretation of native law made by the British but it is unsure whether the law had been withdrawn or not.
“A law is a law. However, in the case of the native land rights, it was more of a moral issue or more importantly the right of natives to own land.
“Leaders must remember that the land is the future economy of the natives of Sabah, there is nothing else for them.
“The natives in Sabah are being left further and further behind; therefore it is high time to solve the land issue for the natives once and for all,” said Harris.
Harris also called on the government to be consistent and strictly adhere to the laws and policies that have been made and enforced in the country.
He noted that there were many cases reported to the police or statements in the newspapers saying criminal wrongdoings by certain people, but no action had been taken under the law.
“This is specially for making further police report which later the government authorities say the report is not true.
“Unfortunately, there is prosecution for making a false report which is very offensive,” he lamented.
Selasa, Mac 27, 2012
Kurup, Sairin back Anifah's 'stop call'
Keningau March 27, 2012:
Federal Deputy Natural Resource and Environment Minister, Tan Sri
Joseph Kurup threw his weight Monday behind Foreign Minister Datuk Seri
Anifah Aman's call for the National Registration Department to halt
immediately the late registration exercise of 40,000 people in Sabah.
He said the Government must conduct a thorough investigation before issuing birth certificates or identification documents to these people.
He said the sudden huge number of applications for Malaysian identification papers was simply worrying. "I suggest a special committee to investigate the matter so as to stop certain people from obtaining the birth certificate and MyKad," he said.
Assistant Minister of Rural Development, Datuk Sairin Karno, also chipped in saying that most of the people who applied for the late birth registration in Sabah were actually foreigners.
He also urged the Government to carry out an investigation and that if there were parties involved, to take fast action against them.
Meanwhile, Upko Deputy President Datuk Seri Wilfred Bumburing also expressed appreciation and full support to Anifah.
"I am personally receiving daily reports that the exercise to provide late birth certificates and MyKads are going on in major towns in the East Coast (of Sabah) and the number of such documents issued are reported to be in the region of 1,000 per week," he claimed.
He concurred with Anifah that there are children from the other communities such Kadazandusun-Murut who have been waiting long to get theirs.
He said the authorities should seriously look into the statement by the President of Semporna Bumiputera Bajau Bajau Association (Perbubas), Mansor Santiri that "it doesn't make sense that a Bumiputera in Semporna does not have any identification documents."
"As I have repeated many times and have clearly stated in my memorandum which I have submitted to the Home Ministry, this is indeed a very serious matter as it really concerns the sovereignty of our country and Sabah in particular.
"The Federal Government should now seriously announce the setting up of the RCI, if indeed it has been approved by the Federal Cabinet, and get the Vommission to work immediately in order to get back the confidence of the bona fide Malaysian citizens in Sabah," he said.
Bumburing, who is also Tuaran MP cum Tuaran BN Chairman, said Sabah leaders should rally behind Anifah to support him on this issues.
"The issues concerned are what majority of Malaysians in Sabah want settled positively once and for all."
He said the Government must conduct a thorough investigation before issuing birth certificates or identification documents to these people.
He said the sudden huge number of applications for Malaysian identification papers was simply worrying. "I suggest a special committee to investigate the matter so as to stop certain people from obtaining the birth certificate and MyKad," he said.
Assistant Minister of Rural Development, Datuk Sairin Karno, also chipped in saying that most of the people who applied for the late birth registration in Sabah were actually foreigners.
He also urged the Government to carry out an investigation and that if there were parties involved, to take fast action against them.
Meanwhile, Upko Deputy President Datuk Seri Wilfred Bumburing also expressed appreciation and full support to Anifah.
"I am personally receiving daily reports that the exercise to provide late birth certificates and MyKads are going on in major towns in the East Coast (of Sabah) and the number of such documents issued are reported to be in the region of 1,000 per week," he claimed.
He concurred with Anifah that there are children from the other communities such Kadazandusun-Murut who have been waiting long to get theirs.
He said the authorities should seriously look into the statement by the President of Semporna Bumiputera Bajau Bajau Association (Perbubas), Mansor Santiri that "it doesn't make sense that a Bumiputera in Semporna does not have any identification documents."
"As I have repeated many times and have clearly stated in my memorandum which I have submitted to the Home Ministry, this is indeed a very serious matter as it really concerns the sovereignty of our country and Sabah in particular.
"The Federal Government should now seriously announce the setting up of the RCI, if indeed it has been approved by the Federal Cabinet, and get the Vommission to work immediately in order to get back the confidence of the bona fide Malaysian citizens in Sabah," he said.
Bumburing, who is also Tuaran MP cum Tuaran BN Chairman, said Sabah leaders should rally behind Anifah to support him on this issues.
"The issues concerned are what majority of Malaysians in Sabah want settled positively once and for all."
Anifah Aman, Musa Aman, Bukit Aman…
Monday, May 12, 2008

nama Datuk Anifah Aman, Ahli Parlimen Kimanis, Sabah dan bekas Timbalan
Menteri Perusahaan Perladangan dan Komoditi menjadi sebutan di
mana-mana. Isu yang menyebabkan dia popular seketika kerana berucap di
Parlimen ketika sessi perbahasan Menjunjung Kasih kepada Yang DiPertuan
Agung, dia menyentuh tentang 'rumah banglo dan rumah teres'.
Bukan sedikit yang terkejut, malahan ada yang tidak menduga sama sekali, Anifah boleh berkata sedemikian, "tidak ada salahnya jika ada ahli BN dari Sabah melompat kepada parti pembangkang jika mereka tidak mendapat tempat yang sepatutnya di dalam 'banglo' itu."
Isu 'banglo' ini timbul ekoran tafsiran kononnya Barisan Nasional (BN)yang sudah mentadbir negara sejak mencapai kemerdekaan dianggap sebagai rumah banglo kepada parti komponennya, tetapi sesudah beberapa lama masih ada penghuninya yang berasa seperti di anak tirikan kerana tidak mendapat tempat sewajarnya dalam 'banglo' itu.
Bagi orang yang faham, mereka akan meletakkan Anifah Aman ini sebagai 'angkuh dan sombong'. Bercakap sedemikian, mewakili BN, tanpa rasa hormat dan berterima kasih kepada BN dan kepimpinan, membuktikan'kesombongan'.
Sebenarnya, Anifah lebih beruntung jika dibandingkan dengan wakil-wakil rakyat BN khususnya dari Sabah yang lain. Sekurang-kurangnya dia merasakan juga kerusi Timbalan Menteri, untukdua penggal. Bukan kerana kelayakan dia duduk sebagai Timbalan Menteri, tetapi kerana Perdana Menteri mahukan dia duduk di situ.Apakah tidak ada wakil rakyat Sabah yang lain yang boleh menjadi Timbalan Menteri? Ramai sebenarnya.
Silaplah kalau kita dapat menjadi Timbalan Menteri, kita merasakan kita yang layak sedangkan yang lain-lain tidak!
Apakah Anifah begitu tamak , tidak cukup lagi apa yang dikautnya di Sabah dan mahu pula menjadi menteri penuh untuk dan tujuan menggayakan diri. Mujur Pak Lah tidak melantik beliau menjadi menteri penuh dan mungkin ini satu hikmah bila beliau tidak dilantik sebagai menteri penuh kerana niat dan nawaitu beliau bukanlah kerana mahu berbakti kepada rakyat tetapi beliau mempunyai niat tersendiri yang amat terserlah kini.
Banyak skandal yang telah didedahkan oleh sebuah laman web yang perlu diberi perhatian oleh BPR tentang kes-kes Musa Aman dan Anifah Aman di Sabah. Mereka seharusnya bersyukur kerana Pak Lah masih mengekal kan mereka dalam tampuk pimpinan di negeri Sabah. Ramai pemerhati politik yang menyatakan bahawa Anifah tidak bersyukur dengan kedudukan beliau yang dikekalkan dan memberi tempat sebagai timbalan menteri sedangkan hakikat sebenarnya dia tidak layak untuk menduduki kerusi timbalan menteri berkenaan.
1- Orang Sabah marah kat Keluarga Musa dan Anifah Aman ambik semua harta negeri sabah melalui Suria Capital, juga sudah mengambil banyak konsesi balak dan batu arang. Sampai sarang burung dalam gua diambil menjadi konsesi.
Ramai rakyat Sabah yang tahu bahawa keluarga Anifah Aman dapat buat kapal dan servis dan maintainance, dan melalui suria capital (state GLC Sabah) control Sabah Ports
Keluarga beliau juga hidup mewah di Australia dan mempunyai sebuah syarikat di Australia.
Sebagai wakil rakyat Kimanis, perjuangan Anifah, yang mungkin sudah kaya raya sekarang (saya percaya dia tidak susah) bukan soal kemudahan infrastuktur di Kimanis, bukan soal kemudahan belajar bagi anak-anakkampung di pendalaman tetapi perjuangannya sudah sampai kepada 'kedudukannya sendiri' selepas dua penggal menjadi Timbalan Menteri. Walaupun kemudiannya, Anifah ada mengatakan dia tidak ada niat melompat ke parti pembangkang walaupun secara terbuka mengakui kecilhati dengan kedudukan Sabah yang masih terpinggir daripada pembangunan.
Hari ini, ketika BN dilihat sedikit lemah ekoran keputusan PilihanRaya Umum ke 12 (PRU 12) yang memperlihatkan hilang majoriti 2/3,Anifah yang ketika BN menang besar berada di dalam kerajaan rupa-rupanya bersikap sama seperti seorang lagi bekas Timbalan Menteri dari Sabah, Datuk Railey Jeffery yang pernah dipetik sebagai berkata 'saya ingat saya jadi Menteri selepas dua penggal menjadi Timbalan Menteri'.
Sedangkan Pak Lah telah membelanjakan sebanyak 3 billion untuk pendididikan di Sabah
Mereka yang 'ingat' dan 'fikir' hanya diri mereka sahaja yang paling layak menduduki kerusi Menteri atau Timbalan Menteri, sebenarnya 'ada penyakit' dalam diri dan jiwa mereka. Mereka tidak pernah berfikir, ketika BN menang besar, ramai lagi Ahli-Ahli Parlimen yang meginginkan jawatan, tetapi Perdana Menterimemberi peluang kepada mereka. Terima kasih dan bersyukurlah denganapa yang mereka dapat dan jika dibandingkan dengan orang lain (maksud saya Ahli-Ahli Parlimen lain), mereka jauh lebih bertuah dan beruntung kerana Perdana Menteri memilih mereka.
Adakah kerana mereka hebat? Bukan. Ada orang lain yang lebih hebat.Adakah kerana mereka berkelulusan? Bukan. Ada orang lain juga berkelulusan. Adakah kerana mereka merasakan mereka lebih hebat dariorang lain? Jika inilah anggapan mereka, ternyata mereka silap.
Habis tu kenapa mereka 'bersikap angkuh dan sombong'? Bila tidak mendapat jawatan, terus membuat tafsiran kononnya mereka 'duduk ditepi tandas. Kata-kata ini, bagi orang Melayu, orang Umno dan orang BNsendiri, adalah suatu kata-kata yang cukup mengambarkan betapa sombong dan angkuhnya pemidato ini.
Mereka tidak pernah berterima kasih kepada kerajaan dan kepimpinan yang pernah meletakkan mereka di suatu tempat yang cukup hebat suatu ketika dahulu dan cukup ramai orang-orang Sabah yang diberikan jawatan-jawatan penting di Kuala Lumpur.
Tidak adakah pegawai tinggi Polis, Tentera, Kastam, Imigresen dan pegawai-pegawai lain dari Sabah di Kuala Lumpur?
Sedarkah Anifah, bahawa Sabah yang hanya mempunyai 25 kawasan Parlimen(25 Bahagian Umno), seorang Ketua Pergerakan Pemudanya (Datuk AbdulRahman Dahalan- Kota Belud) dilantik menjadi Penolong Setiausaha Pergerakan Pemuda Umno Malaysia?
Sedarkah Anifah, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein melantik bekasAhli Parlimen Libaran, Datuk Akbar Khan Abdul Rahman menjadiSetiausaha Politik? Tidak cukup dengan Datuk Maximus Ongkili, DatukMohd Shafie Afdal dan Tan Sri Benard Dompok sebagai Menteri?Cukup panjang senarai jika hendak dituliskan nama-nama tertentu yang berjawatan di Kuala Lumpur.
Kalau Sabah masih terpinggir, bukan kerana kepimpinan di Kuala Lumpur tidak memperdulikan rakyat di Sabah sebaliknya apa yang dibuat oleh Ketua Menteri Sabah, Menteri-Menteri dan Timbalan-Timbalan Menteridari Sabah?
Menteri Pelajaran mengumumkan Sabah mendapat RM3.43 bilion di bawahRancangan Malaysia ke Sembilan (RMK 9) bagi membangunkan pendidikan dinegeri itu. Ia mengatasi apa yang Pulau Pinang dan Johor dapat. Mustahil Anifah tidak tahu hal ini. Kalau dia tak tahu, apa yang boleh kita buat?
Suatu ketika dahulu, Johor yang cukup dicemburui sekarang, kerana terlalu ramai Ahli Parlimennya menjadi Menteri pernah hanya diwakilidua orang Menteri sahaja walaupun BN menang semua kerusi Parlimen. Ingat! Dalam tahun 1988, Datuk Mohamed Rahmat (Menteri Penerangan) dan Datuk Mustaffa Mohamad (Menteri Kebajikan Masyarakat) sahaja yang menjamah kerusi cabinet ketika itu.
Ada wakil rakyat Johor berucap di Parlimen, bercakap soal 'rumah banglodan rumah teres'? Anifah mungkin baru dalam 'budaya Umno'. Atau Anifahboleh dikatakan sebagai 'anti semenanjung' tetapi kalau Anifah tahu menghormati kepimpinan, bagaimana Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (Pak Lah) mempertahankan Ketua Menteri Sabah, yang juga adik beradik Anifah, mungkin Anifah sanggup 'mencium tangan Pak Lah' kerana Pak Lah mengutamakan kepentingan parti mengatasi yanglain-lain.
Sepatutnya, kalau Musa Aman tahu semua ini, bagaimana orang-orang Sabah sentiasa berada di Kuala Lumpur, berkempen memburuk-burukkan dia, Musa pun tentunya mencium tangan Pak Lah kerana Pak Lah adalah Perdana Menteri yang tidak mudah digula-gulakan dengan pelbagaituduhan dan tohmahan.
Sedikit waktu dahulu, heboh orang mengatakan ada satu kumpulan dari Sabah datang ke Kuala Lumpur, berusaha melobi pihak-pihak tertentu disini untuk menubuhkan semula USNO. Kata mereka, Umno di Sabah hanyadikuasai 'ALC'. ALC yang mereka maksudkan ialah 'Aman Link Company' –iaitu hanya keluarga Anifah dan Musa Aman sahaja yang mengaut peluang-peluang perniagaan dan kayu balak di Sabah.
Ini bukan cerita rekaan sebaliknya ramai orang Sabah tahu. Malahan, ramai bekas-bekas Menteri Sabah dan bekas-bekas Ketua Bahagian (Umnodan USNO) mengetahui cerita ini.
Janganlah kerana tidak dilantik menjadi Menteri, setelah dua penggal menjadi Timbalan Menteri, Anifah merasakan dia 'hanya duduk di tepitandas dalam sebuah rumah banglo'. Jangan ada perasaan itu keranamasih ramai lagi orang Umno yang hanya duduk di kaki lima banglo, luar pagar banglo dan jarang-jarang dapat masuk ke rumah banglo, walaupun mereka adalah pejuang Umno tulin, sejak sekian lama.
Umno telah memainkan peranan besar menyelamatkan Melayu dan Bumiputeradi Sabah dari tekanan dan ancaman. Jangan buat-buat lupa cerita'bawang' dan gereja yang hampir-hampir menjadi isu perkauman yangbesar suatu ketika duhulu. Masa itu, Anifah dan Musa mungkin masih di Universiti dan kita seharusnya tahu sejarah untuk menuju ke hadapan. Anifah Aman dan Musa Aman adalah dua orang adik beradik yang cukup bertuah. Ketika kita menuding jari menyalahkan orang lain, sebenarnya kita yang selalu menghisap 'cigar' sudah lupa rumput di bumi ketika merenung bintang di langit. Kita lupa budi orang kepada kita. Kita lupa jasa Umno kepada kita. Kita lupa jasa BN kepada negeri Sabah.
Bila kita tengok 'pokok sudah condong' kita sama-sama mahu menumbangkannya. Apakah kita yakin kita hebat? Atau Anifah Aman dan Musa Aman – walaupun kini sudah cukup kaya raya, bertanyalah ke BukitAman… sejarah hitam Sabah ketika USNO dan Berjaya runtuh dahulu. Mudah-mudahan di Bukit Aman, Anifah Aman dan Musa Aman akan bertemu dengan 'keAmanan' yang mereka cari-cari.
Di Bukit Aman, lebih banyak menyimpan rekod-rekod dan catatan sejarah hitam Sabah dari 'rumah banglo' yang sudah mula hendak ditinggalkan.
Bukan sedikit yang terkejut, malahan ada yang tidak menduga sama sekali, Anifah boleh berkata sedemikian, "tidak ada salahnya jika ada ahli BN dari Sabah melompat kepada parti pembangkang jika mereka tidak mendapat tempat yang sepatutnya di dalam 'banglo' itu."
Isu 'banglo' ini timbul ekoran tafsiran kononnya Barisan Nasional (BN)yang sudah mentadbir negara sejak mencapai kemerdekaan dianggap sebagai rumah banglo kepada parti komponennya, tetapi sesudah beberapa lama masih ada penghuninya yang berasa seperti di anak tirikan kerana tidak mendapat tempat sewajarnya dalam 'banglo' itu.
Bagi orang yang faham, mereka akan meletakkan Anifah Aman ini sebagai 'angkuh dan sombong'. Bercakap sedemikian, mewakili BN, tanpa rasa hormat dan berterima kasih kepada BN dan kepimpinan, membuktikan'kesombongan'.
Sebenarnya, Anifah lebih beruntung jika dibandingkan dengan wakil-wakil rakyat BN khususnya dari Sabah yang lain. Sekurang-kurangnya dia merasakan juga kerusi Timbalan Menteri, untukdua penggal. Bukan kerana kelayakan dia duduk sebagai Timbalan Menteri, tetapi kerana Perdana Menteri mahukan dia duduk di situ.Apakah tidak ada wakil rakyat Sabah yang lain yang boleh menjadi Timbalan Menteri? Ramai sebenarnya.
Silaplah kalau kita dapat menjadi Timbalan Menteri, kita merasakan kita yang layak sedangkan yang lain-lain tidak!
Apakah Anifah begitu tamak , tidak cukup lagi apa yang dikautnya di Sabah dan mahu pula menjadi menteri penuh untuk dan tujuan menggayakan diri. Mujur Pak Lah tidak melantik beliau menjadi menteri penuh dan mungkin ini satu hikmah bila beliau tidak dilantik sebagai menteri penuh kerana niat dan nawaitu beliau bukanlah kerana mahu berbakti kepada rakyat tetapi beliau mempunyai niat tersendiri yang amat terserlah kini.
Banyak skandal yang telah didedahkan oleh sebuah laman web yang perlu diberi perhatian oleh BPR tentang kes-kes Musa Aman dan Anifah Aman di Sabah. Mereka seharusnya bersyukur kerana Pak Lah masih mengekal kan mereka dalam tampuk pimpinan di negeri Sabah. Ramai pemerhati politik yang menyatakan bahawa Anifah tidak bersyukur dengan kedudukan beliau yang dikekalkan dan memberi tempat sebagai timbalan menteri sedangkan hakikat sebenarnya dia tidak layak untuk menduduki kerusi timbalan menteri berkenaan.
1- Orang Sabah marah kat Keluarga Musa dan Anifah Aman ambik semua harta negeri sabah melalui Suria Capital, juga sudah mengambil banyak konsesi balak dan batu arang. Sampai sarang burung dalam gua diambil menjadi konsesi.
Ramai rakyat Sabah yang tahu bahawa keluarga Anifah Aman dapat buat kapal dan servis dan maintainance, dan melalui suria capital (state GLC Sabah) control Sabah Ports
Keluarga beliau juga hidup mewah di Australia dan mempunyai sebuah syarikat di Australia.
Sebagai wakil rakyat Kimanis, perjuangan Anifah, yang mungkin sudah kaya raya sekarang (saya percaya dia tidak susah) bukan soal kemudahan infrastuktur di Kimanis, bukan soal kemudahan belajar bagi anak-anakkampung di pendalaman tetapi perjuangannya sudah sampai kepada 'kedudukannya sendiri' selepas dua penggal menjadi Timbalan Menteri. Walaupun kemudiannya, Anifah ada mengatakan dia tidak ada niat melompat ke parti pembangkang walaupun secara terbuka mengakui kecilhati dengan kedudukan Sabah yang masih terpinggir daripada pembangunan.
Hari ini, ketika BN dilihat sedikit lemah ekoran keputusan PilihanRaya Umum ke 12 (PRU 12) yang memperlihatkan hilang majoriti 2/3,Anifah yang ketika BN menang besar berada di dalam kerajaan rupa-rupanya bersikap sama seperti seorang lagi bekas Timbalan Menteri dari Sabah, Datuk Railey Jeffery yang pernah dipetik sebagai berkata 'saya ingat saya jadi Menteri selepas dua penggal menjadi Timbalan Menteri'.
Sedangkan Pak Lah telah membelanjakan sebanyak 3 billion untuk pendididikan di Sabah
Mereka yang 'ingat' dan 'fikir' hanya diri mereka sahaja yang paling layak menduduki kerusi Menteri atau Timbalan Menteri, sebenarnya 'ada penyakit' dalam diri dan jiwa mereka. Mereka tidak pernah berfikir, ketika BN menang besar, ramai lagi Ahli-Ahli Parlimen yang meginginkan jawatan, tetapi Perdana Menterimemberi peluang kepada mereka. Terima kasih dan bersyukurlah denganapa yang mereka dapat dan jika dibandingkan dengan orang lain (maksud saya Ahli-Ahli Parlimen lain), mereka jauh lebih bertuah dan beruntung kerana Perdana Menteri memilih mereka.
Adakah kerana mereka hebat? Bukan. Ada orang lain yang lebih hebat.Adakah kerana mereka berkelulusan? Bukan. Ada orang lain juga berkelulusan. Adakah kerana mereka merasakan mereka lebih hebat dariorang lain? Jika inilah anggapan mereka, ternyata mereka silap.
Habis tu kenapa mereka 'bersikap angkuh dan sombong'? Bila tidak mendapat jawatan, terus membuat tafsiran kononnya mereka 'duduk ditepi tandas. Kata-kata ini, bagi orang Melayu, orang Umno dan orang BNsendiri, adalah suatu kata-kata yang cukup mengambarkan betapa sombong dan angkuhnya pemidato ini.
Mereka tidak pernah berterima kasih kepada kerajaan dan kepimpinan yang pernah meletakkan mereka di suatu tempat yang cukup hebat suatu ketika dahulu dan cukup ramai orang-orang Sabah yang diberikan jawatan-jawatan penting di Kuala Lumpur.
Tidak adakah pegawai tinggi Polis, Tentera, Kastam, Imigresen dan pegawai-pegawai lain dari Sabah di Kuala Lumpur?
Sedarkah Anifah, bahawa Sabah yang hanya mempunyai 25 kawasan Parlimen(25 Bahagian Umno), seorang Ketua Pergerakan Pemudanya (Datuk AbdulRahman Dahalan- Kota Belud) dilantik menjadi Penolong Setiausaha Pergerakan Pemuda Umno Malaysia?
Sedarkah Anifah, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein melantik bekasAhli Parlimen Libaran, Datuk Akbar Khan Abdul Rahman menjadiSetiausaha Politik? Tidak cukup dengan Datuk Maximus Ongkili, DatukMohd Shafie Afdal dan Tan Sri Benard Dompok sebagai Menteri?Cukup panjang senarai jika hendak dituliskan nama-nama tertentu yang berjawatan di Kuala Lumpur.
Kalau Sabah masih terpinggir, bukan kerana kepimpinan di Kuala Lumpur tidak memperdulikan rakyat di Sabah sebaliknya apa yang dibuat oleh Ketua Menteri Sabah, Menteri-Menteri dan Timbalan-Timbalan Menteridari Sabah?
Menteri Pelajaran mengumumkan Sabah mendapat RM3.43 bilion di bawahRancangan Malaysia ke Sembilan (RMK 9) bagi membangunkan pendidikan dinegeri itu. Ia mengatasi apa yang Pulau Pinang dan Johor dapat. Mustahil Anifah tidak tahu hal ini. Kalau dia tak tahu, apa yang boleh kita buat?
Suatu ketika dahulu, Johor yang cukup dicemburui sekarang, kerana terlalu ramai Ahli Parlimennya menjadi Menteri pernah hanya diwakilidua orang Menteri sahaja walaupun BN menang semua kerusi Parlimen. Ingat! Dalam tahun 1988, Datuk Mohamed Rahmat (Menteri Penerangan) dan Datuk Mustaffa Mohamad (Menteri Kebajikan Masyarakat) sahaja yang menjamah kerusi cabinet ketika itu.
Ada wakil rakyat Johor berucap di Parlimen, bercakap soal 'rumah banglodan rumah teres'? Anifah mungkin baru dalam 'budaya Umno'. Atau Anifahboleh dikatakan sebagai 'anti semenanjung' tetapi kalau Anifah tahu menghormati kepimpinan, bagaimana Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (Pak Lah) mempertahankan Ketua Menteri Sabah, yang juga adik beradik Anifah, mungkin Anifah sanggup 'mencium tangan Pak Lah' kerana Pak Lah mengutamakan kepentingan parti mengatasi yanglain-lain.
Sepatutnya, kalau Musa Aman tahu semua ini, bagaimana orang-orang Sabah sentiasa berada di Kuala Lumpur, berkempen memburuk-burukkan dia, Musa pun tentunya mencium tangan Pak Lah kerana Pak Lah adalah Perdana Menteri yang tidak mudah digula-gulakan dengan pelbagaituduhan dan tohmahan.
Sedikit waktu dahulu, heboh orang mengatakan ada satu kumpulan dari Sabah datang ke Kuala Lumpur, berusaha melobi pihak-pihak tertentu disini untuk menubuhkan semula USNO. Kata mereka, Umno di Sabah hanyadikuasai 'ALC'. ALC yang mereka maksudkan ialah 'Aman Link Company' –iaitu hanya keluarga Anifah dan Musa Aman sahaja yang mengaut peluang-peluang perniagaan dan kayu balak di Sabah.
Ini bukan cerita rekaan sebaliknya ramai orang Sabah tahu. Malahan, ramai bekas-bekas Menteri Sabah dan bekas-bekas Ketua Bahagian (Umnodan USNO) mengetahui cerita ini.
Janganlah kerana tidak dilantik menjadi Menteri, setelah dua penggal menjadi Timbalan Menteri, Anifah merasakan dia 'hanya duduk di tepitandas dalam sebuah rumah banglo'. Jangan ada perasaan itu keranamasih ramai lagi orang Umno yang hanya duduk di kaki lima banglo, luar pagar banglo dan jarang-jarang dapat masuk ke rumah banglo, walaupun mereka adalah pejuang Umno tulin, sejak sekian lama.
Umno telah memainkan peranan besar menyelamatkan Melayu dan Bumiputeradi Sabah dari tekanan dan ancaman. Jangan buat-buat lupa cerita'bawang' dan gereja yang hampir-hampir menjadi isu perkauman yangbesar suatu ketika duhulu. Masa itu, Anifah dan Musa mungkin masih di Universiti dan kita seharusnya tahu sejarah untuk menuju ke hadapan. Anifah Aman dan Musa Aman adalah dua orang adik beradik yang cukup bertuah. Ketika kita menuding jari menyalahkan orang lain, sebenarnya kita yang selalu menghisap 'cigar' sudah lupa rumput di bumi ketika merenung bintang di langit. Kita lupa budi orang kepada kita. Kita lupa jasa Umno kepada kita. Kita lupa jasa BN kepada negeri Sabah.
Bila kita tengok 'pokok sudah condong' kita sama-sama mahu menumbangkannya. Apakah kita yakin kita hebat? Atau Anifah Aman dan Musa Aman – walaupun kini sudah cukup kaya raya, bertanyalah ke BukitAman… sejarah hitam Sabah ketika USNO dan Berjaya runtuh dahulu. Mudah-mudahan di Bukit Aman, Anifah Aman dan Musa Aman akan bertemu dengan 'keAmanan' yang mereka cari-cari.
Di Bukit Aman, lebih banyak menyimpan rekod-rekod dan catatan sejarah hitam Sabah dari 'rumah banglo' yang sudah mula hendak ditinggalkan.
Rafizi to report Najib to MACC despite threat from PMO and Shahrizat’s ‘quit’ decision
March 12, 2012
As pledged, PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli will lodge a report
against Prime Minister Najib Razak with the Malaysia Anti-Corruption
Commission for allegedly abusing his power and billing the cost of his
daughter’s engagement party to taxpayers.
“PKR leaders together with Jingga13 (a reform NGO) will make a report at 2pm today at the MACC, Shah Alam branch,” Rafizi said in brief note.
On Friday, Rafizi dropped the bombshell that Najib had passed on a RM410,000 invoice from the Shangrila Hotel to the Prime Minister’s Office to pay. The dinner was attended by nearly 1,000 people and expensive dishes like Wagyu beef was served. Najib was immediately castigated for being ‘cheap’ in fobbing off the expense to the ordinary folk.
Not surprisingly, Najib’s office in an unusually quick response denied the accusations in a 2-paragraph statement that clearly targeted Rafizi, accusing him of wanting to defame ad smear the PM and demanding an apology.
However, Rafizi countered the PMO denial with a fresh statement of his own, setting 8 questions for Najib to clear his name and earn the apology. So far, there has been zero response from the PMO.
“PMO’s demand for my instant apology is premature at this junction as the two paragraphs statement consists of only mere denials, without any hard evidence or facts that can support the denial. Nor did the PMO dispute the veracity of the Banquet Event Order document produced against the Prime Minister,” said Rafizi.
Deflecting attention from himself
has been at the centre of a barrage of corruption allegations revealed
against Umno minsiter Shahrizat Jalil and her family over the NFC cattle
breeding project. His latest expose’ against Najib – although it
involved a dinner party held in Putrajaya – is believed to have
triggered Shahrizat’s resignation as it brought to the fore Najib’s
Kazakhstan connections.
Najib’s daughter had married a nephew of a powerful Kazakh leader, and even during the Kazakh-leg of their engagement in June last year, Najib and wife Rosmah Mansor had come under fire for taking scores of personal guests to the celebrations there under the cover of ‘official entourage’ on an official visit timed to coincide with their personal event. The Foreign Ministry later revealed the trip had cost Malaysian taxpayers RM1.1 million in traveling expense.
As such, the latest RM410,000 bill created a firestorm, especially since it came hot on the heels of a news report that Shahrizat’s family was also being probed by the police over the purchase of a RM1.7 million luxury apartment in southern Kazakh city of Almaty. Najib had sanctioned a memorandum of understanding between the NFC and a Kazakh party even though the NFC is not allowed to invest overseas.
To deflect attention from himself, Najib is believed to have finally called on Shahrizat to tender her resignation, which she did and is due to become effective on April 8. Over the past months, despite a slew of calls from Cabinet colleagues, BN leaders, Umno stalwarts and the public, Najib had refrained from calling on her to step down.
Shahrizat’s husband and children were accused of corruptly using a RM250 million government soft loan granted to the National Feedlot Centre cattle breeding project to gain bank loans for themselves and to purchase super-luxury condos in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and it now appears – Kazakhstan. The NFC project was awarded to Shahrizat’s husband and children to manage in 2006.
Zero response from the PMO to Rafizi’s 8-point challenge
Meanwhile, the PMO has still not replied to Rafizi’s 8-step poser. The questions Rafizi threw at Najib were:
First, he has to confirm (or deny) that the engagement party did cost as much as specified in the BEO document produced against him;
Second, he has to confirm (or deny) the veracity and authenticity of the Banquet Event Order (BEO) produced against him that clearly specifies the PMO as the party footing the bill;
Third, he has to instruct the PMO to produce the original copy of the Purchase Order sent to Shangrila Hotel to ascertain which party was originally responsible for making the order,
Fourth, he has to instruct the PMO to produce the original snapshot of the accounting transaction from the Government of Malaysia’s (GOM’s) accounting system which recorded the Purchase Order, to ascertain whether the order (allegedly raised by the PMO) was ever recorded in the accounting system,
Fifth, he has to instruct the PMO to produce the original copy of the invoice sent by Shangrila Hotel in relation to the event as it can be used to determine whether the whole expenses were charged personally to the Prime Minister as he claims,
Sixth, he has to instruct the PMO to produce the original snapshot of the accounting transaction from the Government of Malaysia’s (GOM’s) accounting system which recorded the invoice sent by Shangrila Hotel, to ascertain whether the liability to pay the invoice was ever recorded in the accounting system,
Seventh, he has to instruct the PMO to produce the original payment voucher made to Shangrila Hotel to ascertain the party which first settled the bill; and
Eight, he has to produce proof of payments in the form of a copy of his personal cheque used to pay, or his bank statements or any third party records of his financial transactions that can substantiate his claim that he did pay for the bill.
“I urge PM Najib Razak to answer the following questions backed up by hard evidence in the form official documents to prove that the public did not foot the bill for his daughter’s engagement party,” said Rafizi.
“PKR leaders together with Jingga13 (a reform NGO) will make a report at 2pm today at the MACC, Shah Alam branch,” Rafizi said in brief note.
On Friday, Rafizi dropped the bombshell that Najib had passed on a RM410,000 invoice from the Shangrila Hotel to the Prime Minister’s Office to pay. The dinner was attended by nearly 1,000 people and expensive dishes like Wagyu beef was served. Najib was immediately castigated for being ‘cheap’ in fobbing off the expense to the ordinary folk.
Not surprisingly, Najib’s office in an unusually quick response denied the accusations in a 2-paragraph statement that clearly targeted Rafizi, accusing him of wanting to defame ad smear the PM and demanding an apology.
However, Rafizi countered the PMO denial with a fresh statement of his own, setting 8 questions for Najib to clear his name and earn the apology. So far, there has been zero response from the PMO.
“PMO’s demand for my instant apology is premature at this junction as the two paragraphs statement consists of only mere denials, without any hard evidence or facts that can support the denial. Nor did the PMO dispute the veracity of the Banquet Event Order document produced against the Prime Minister,” said Rafizi.
Deflecting attention from himself
Najib’s daughter had married a nephew of a powerful Kazakh leader, and even during the Kazakh-leg of their engagement in June last year, Najib and wife Rosmah Mansor had come under fire for taking scores of personal guests to the celebrations there under the cover of ‘official entourage’ on an official visit timed to coincide with their personal event. The Foreign Ministry later revealed the trip had cost Malaysian taxpayers RM1.1 million in traveling expense.
As such, the latest RM410,000 bill created a firestorm, especially since it came hot on the heels of a news report that Shahrizat’s family was also being probed by the police over the purchase of a RM1.7 million luxury apartment in southern Kazakh city of Almaty. Najib had sanctioned a memorandum of understanding between the NFC and a Kazakh party even though the NFC is not allowed to invest overseas.
To deflect attention from himself, Najib is believed to have finally called on Shahrizat to tender her resignation, which she did and is due to become effective on April 8. Over the past months, despite a slew of calls from Cabinet colleagues, BN leaders, Umno stalwarts and the public, Najib had refrained from calling on her to step down.
Shahrizat’s husband and children were accused of corruptly using a RM250 million government soft loan granted to the National Feedlot Centre cattle breeding project to gain bank loans for themselves and to purchase super-luxury condos in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and it now appears – Kazakhstan. The NFC project was awarded to Shahrizat’s husband and children to manage in 2006.
Zero response from the PMO to Rafizi’s 8-point challenge
First, he has to confirm (or deny) that the engagement party did cost as much as specified in the BEO document produced against him;
Second, he has to confirm (or deny) the veracity and authenticity of the Banquet Event Order (BEO) produced against him that clearly specifies the PMO as the party footing the bill;
Third, he has to instruct the PMO to produce the original copy of the Purchase Order sent to Shangrila Hotel to ascertain which party was originally responsible for making the order,
Fourth, he has to instruct the PMO to produce the original snapshot of the accounting transaction from the Government of Malaysia’s (GOM’s) accounting system which recorded the Purchase Order, to ascertain whether the order (allegedly raised by the PMO) was ever recorded in the accounting system,
Fifth, he has to instruct the PMO to produce the original copy of the invoice sent by Shangrila Hotel in relation to the event as it can be used to determine whether the whole expenses were charged personally to the Prime Minister as he claims,
Sixth, he has to instruct the PMO to produce the original snapshot of the accounting transaction from the Government of Malaysia’s (GOM’s) accounting system which recorded the invoice sent by Shangrila Hotel, to ascertain whether the liability to pay the invoice was ever recorded in the accounting system,
Seventh, he has to instruct the PMO to produce the original payment voucher made to Shangrila Hotel to ascertain the party which first settled the bill; and
Eight, he has to produce proof of payments in the form of a copy of his personal cheque used to pay, or his bank statements or any third party records of his financial transactions that can substantiate his claim that he did pay for the bill.
“I urge PM Najib Razak to answer the following questions backed up by hard evidence in the form official documents to prove that the public did not foot the bill for his daughter’s engagement party,” said Rafizi.
Ketua Menteri Sabah Musa Aman Dan Adiknya Anifah Aman, Menteri Luar, Mengenai Skandal Balak RM400 Juta ?
TERKINI!!Pemimpin-pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat telah memberi
Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak selama 7 hari untuk mengambil
tindakan terhadap Ketua Menteri Sabah Musa Aman dan adiknya Anifah
Aman, Menteri Luar, mengenai skandal balak RM400 juta.

Sarawak Report mendakwa memiliki
dokumen SPRM yang hasil siasatannya memutuskan bahawa Ketua Menteri
Sabah Datuk Seri Musa Aman secara salah mengeluarkan lesen bernilai
puluhan juta ringgit kepada adiknya itu.Menurut laporan itu lagi,
dokumen tersebut adalah sebahagian daripada siasatan terhadap
penyelewengan balak selepas kroni bagi Musa Aman, Michael Chia, telah
ditahan kerana cuba menyeludup keluar SGD16 juta (RM35 juta) dari Hong
Kong pada 2008.
Kandungan siasatanDua konsesi utama yang dibeli oleh
Yayasan Sabah bagi kayu balak ditebang dan Penerima tawaran adalah
Anifar Aman dan Hairul Aman, anak saudara Pengurus Hutan Yayasan Sabah,
Mohd Daud Tampokong.Aspek-aspek yang lain, yang lebih mengejutkan
adalah, ia membolehkan pemegang konsesi mengeluarkan balak sebanyak
2,000 hektar dari hutan dara di Hutan Simpan Pinagah:Kedua-dua lesen
telah diberikan sejurus selepas Musa Aman menjadi Ketua Menteri dan
Pengerusi Lembaga Pemegang Amanah Yayasan Sabah pada tahun 2003.

bimbang bahawa keengganan Gani untuk membenarkan siasatan rasuah
peringkat tinggi, telah membenarkan ahli-ahli politik BN lain untuk
terus menyedut kekayaan negara dan tidak terganggu.
Jenayah Elak Cukai
Berpuluh JutaPakar-pakar berkata bahawa hutan dara menyediakan 100 meter
padu kayu setiap hektar.
Pemegang Lesen sepatutnya membayar Yayasan
Sabah RM55 dan Jabatan Perhutanan RM95 setiap meter padu dibalak, yang
berjumlah RM150 dalam bentuk cukai.
Walau bagaimanapun, semua hasil
sangat sedikit diisytiharkan, tanpa membayar cukai yang berjumlah
sekitar RM30 juta.Jalan Pulang
Oleh: Zar Ali II
Your Ref: Please Advise
Our Ref: SNN/DSAI/Anifah/09
Your Ref: Please Advise
Our Ref: SNN/DSAI/Anifah/09
Date: 18th May 2009
By Fax 03-8889 1717
03-8889 2816
By Fax 03-8889 1717
03-8889 2816
Menteri Luar Negeri, Certificate of Posting
Kementerian Luar Negeri,
Aras 3, Wisma Putra, No. 1, Jalan Wisma Putra,
Presint 2,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
Kementerian Luar Negeri,
Aras 3, Wisma Putra, No. 1, Jalan Wisma Putra,
Presint 2,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
Re: Libellous Statement
We act for Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim who is the Former Deputy Prime Minister and is presently the Leader of the Opposition in the Malaysian Parliament.
We are instructed that on or about 16th
May 2009, you uttered and or made a statement at the State Department
in Washington during a joint press conference with US secretary of State
Mrs. Clinton, that was published and/or caused to be published by
Associated Press and was consequently carried by The Star Newspaper (and
several local print and electronic media), which was captioned as “Anwar offered me the DPM’s post, says Anifah” which is reproduced in full and verbatim hereinbelow:
“Anwar offered me the DPM’s post, says Anifah
Washington: Foreign
Minister Datuk Anifah Aman has revealed that Opposition leader Datuk
Seri Anwar Ibrahim had offered him the post of Deputy Prime Minister as
bait to switch sides after the general election last year.
“Just for the information of the
audience here, Anwar said he would form a government on Sept 16 but he
has changed the dates many times. And he was trying to entice Members of
“I was personally offered a very lucrative position, like a deputy prime ministership. These
facts are not known to the world at large,” he said during a joint
press conference with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, which was
packed with American and foreign journalists.
“And he has started trying to buy other legislative members. I think he has not accepted the result of the last elections.
“We (Barisan Nasional) have lost five states and we willingly accept the people’s verdict.”
A Reuters journalist had earlier
asked Clinton whether she raised the Anwar issue at her meeting with
Anifah as the State Department’s annual human rights report had
mentioned that charges against Anwar were politically motivated.
Clinton replied that she had raised
the rule of law issues and larger questions concerning institutional
reforms that Malaysia had been pursuing.
Anifah, who was clam throughout, said
he had faith in Malaysia’s judicial system, citing the case of Perak
where the High Court had reinstated Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin
as Perak Menteri Besar although it was a ruling made against the Federal
Anifah said Anwar was tarnishing the image of Malaysia.
“It is our wish and hope that he will respect the democratic system in Malaysia.”
Anifah told another journalist that
Malaysia would use the “good office” of the Asean secretariat to find a
solution to the case involving Myanmar’s pro-democracy leader Aung San
Suu Kyi who faces new charges less than two weeks before her house
arrest was due to end after an American man swam across a lake and
entered her home.
On improving US relations with
Islamic countries, Clinton said that United States would seek out
partners like Malaysia and the Organisation of the Islamic Conference
for guidance.” (hereinafter called “the Impugned Article”).
Inter alia, the Impugned Article contained the following defamatory words uttered and or quoted by you about our client:
i. “Foreign
Minister Datuk Anifah Aman has revealed that Opposition leader Datuk
Seri Anwar Ibrahim had offered him the post of Deputy Prime Minister as
bait to switch sides after the general election last year.”
ii. “Just
for the information of the audience here, Anwar said he would form a
government on Sept 16 but he has changed the dates many times. And he
was trying to entice Members of Parliament.”
iii. “I was personally offered a very lucrative position, like a deputy prime ministership. These
facts are not known to the world at large,” he said during a joint
press conference with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, which was
packed with American and foreign journalists.”
iv. “And he has started trying to buy other legislative members. I think he has not accepted the result of the last elections.”
v. “Anifah said Anwar was tarnishing the image of Malaysia.” (collectively hereinafter called “the Impugned Words”)
The Impugned
Article and the Impugned Words were and are defamatory and or libellous
of our Client and in their natural and ordinary meaning and or by
implication mean, meant and were understood to, inter alia, mean that:
i) our Client is a dishonest person both in his private and official capacity;
ii) our Client is a liar;
iii) our Client is an untrustworthy person as well as an unfit politician;
iv) our Client is unfit to hold public office;
v) our Client is unprincipled and corrupt;
vi) our Client has committed a criminal offence punishable with imprisonment;
vii) our Client is unethical; and
viii)our Client wantonly abuses his position in public and private office.
By innuendo, the Impugned Article and
the Impugned Words were and are defamatory and or libellous of our
Client and were meant and were understood to, inter alia, mean that:
i) our Client is a dishonest person both in his private and official capacity;
ii) our Client is a liar;
iii) our Client is an untrustworthy person as well as an unfit politician;
iv) our Client is unfit to hold public office;
v) our Client is unprincipled and corrupt;
vi) our Client has committed a criminal offence punishable with imprisonment
vii) our Client is unethical; and
viii) our Client wantonly abuses his position in public and private office.
Inter alia, our client contends the following
in that, the Impugned Article and the Impugned Words published by you
in respect of our client:-
a) are bereft of any truth, vexatious, specious, fallacious and wholly uncalled for;
b) are
and were grossly negligent, reckless, irresponsible, deliberate,
malicious and aimed to lower our client’s esteem in the eyes of the
public, both locally and internationally, and expose our client to
public hatred, scorn, odium, opprobrium, contempt and ridicule;
c) are
wholly untrue, motivated by malice, mala fides, distortion of facts
suggesting moral and legal impropriety on the part of our client and are
principally done in your pursuit of seeking cheap publicity
/sensationalism for political and other purposes; and
d) are pre-mediated and calculated to tarnish, malign, defame and seriously injure the good name and character of our client.
We are further instructed that you have
republished or caused it to be republished the abovementioned Impugned
Article and Impugned Words and the libellous comments.
The Impugned Words uttered and published by
you in respect of our client and the comments against our client by you,
amounts to a very serious libel on our client and have caused our
client considerable distress and embarrassment. These Impugned Words
published by you in respect of our client and comments made against our
client are false, malicious and your attack on our client is wholly
We are therefore instructed to demand from you, which we hereby do:
1) An immediate and
unequivocal public retraction of the Impugned Article and the Impugned
Words and the removal and retraction of all the offending and defamatory
comments, forthwith;
2) An apology in the terms to be approved by us as solicitors to be published in newspapers of our client’s choice.
3) An undertaking by you not to repeat the above allegations and comments such as the Impugned Words or the likes of the same.
Our client has also instructed us to demand damages of RM100 million from you for the injury caused to our client’s reputation.
Our client has also requested us to demand payment of all legal costs that has been incurred with regard to this matter.
This letter is written in accordance with the
pre-action protocol prior to the institution of a libel action. We look
forward to hearing from you without delay. If we do not receive a
satisfactory reply within seven (7) days of the receipt of this letter,
our instructions are to institute legal proceedings against you. In the
meantime, our client reserves all our client’s rights in this matter.
Please acknowledge receipt accordingly.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
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